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Dinose le Monontšho

...Dikenyo tša go swana le poreima, dipiere le diapole le tšona di nyaka dinose go nontšha, go tšweletša dienywa.Balemi bja Dinose vs Balemi bja Dibjalo©Louise BrodieIn the Western Cape, the Cape bee (Apis mellifera Capensis) is used for pollination..

Tlhokomelo ya Maphelo a Dikolobe

...Go ya ka lekwalo la Saete ya Dikolobe go Recognising disease on the farm, go ba botala bja leratadima ye feteletšego di ka amanantšhwa le dipheteletšo, mpholo ka mading wa go go fetelela wa go dira ke twatši, go ruruga ga letswele, go ruruga ga popelo..

Dibjalo tša Dijo tša Setšo mo Afrika Borwa

...most widely used by rural communities and harvested in the wild...

Metlotlo Ya Mengwaga Ye Mentši Ya Tirelo

...Ka 1988 kurunta ya Lenasia, The Indicator, e file lapa la Sisulu sefoka sa tabakgolo ya ngwaga. O kgethilwego go ba Mopresitente ya lefase ya Khansele ya khutšo mo Switzerland go thoma ka 1993 go fihla ka 1996...

Histori ya Koša ya Setšhaba sa Afrika Borwa

...antwoord gee, (Where the echoing crags resound) English Sounds the call to come together, And united we shall stand, Let us live and strive for freedom, In South Africa our land.Phrothokholo ya go Hlompha Koša ya Setšhaba©Eric MillerKoša ya..

Tlhahlo ya meterebe

...Topping and tipping allowed for the development of shoots on the top part of the cordon arms.Tlhahlo ya moterebe e thibelela tlhabollo ya moterebe go thoma ka go hlogela (kutung) le diatla tša go thibela (karolo ya kota ya tlhako ya moterebe) gammogo..

Pinot Noir

...and the wine production process...

Sebjalo Sa Sekgo: Modiši Wa Dijo Le Sebjalo

...Sebjalo Sa Sekgo: Modiši Wa Dijo Le SebjaloSebjalo Sa Sekgo: Modiši Wa Dijo Le Sebjalo© Ton RulkensThe leaves and growth tips are the best bits of the Spider Plant to eat.Go ja Sebjalo sa SekgoMo Afrika ka moka, matlakala a mahlogedi, (ka nako yangwe..

Grenache Noir

...Ka ngwagakgolo wa 18, mohuta o hlamilwe kua the Languedoc, Southern Rhone le Provence...

Ditšwantle le Diyantle tša Nama ya Pudi

...(Desemere 2018.)KKC ke sehlongwa sa mmušo wa profense ya Kapa Leboa gomme ke the ‘Special Purpose Vehicle’ (SPV), ye e šomišwago go rekiša dipudi mo intastering ya Kapa Leboa.Translated by Lebogang Sewela..

Tswadišo ya Dikolobe

...swanetše go boloka dipego tša mehuta ya malapa a ka dipolaseng tša bona le go hlokomela go di reka fela ka goba go šomiša dipoo tše di sa fagolwago tšeo di sa nyalelanego le mohuta wa mo dipolaseng tša bona.Maemo a Mmele©National Pork Board and the..

Maphelo A Mmu Le Maphelo A Dibjalo

...answer lies in the soil...

Ngangišano Ka Winnie Mandela

...Matšatšing a mmalwa ka morago ga go bega se, Ngaka Asvat o ile a bolaya ke banna ba babedi ba itšweletša bjalo ka balwetši.Go Bolaya Ka Tšhumo Ya Mathaere©Eric Miller1988 Fireman at the scene of the fire at Winnie..


...KhupetšoKhupetšo© Dr Pia Addison Wineland 2016A vineyard with mulch on the berm.Khupetšo ke tshepedišo ya khupetša fase goba berm (mola wa mabu thwii ka fase ga rei ya moterebe) ka dibjalo tša go hwa tša go swana le meterebe, teye ya rooibos, mahlaka..

Tšhireletšo ya Tlhago ya Balemerui ba Dikolobe tša Mehlape ye Mennyane

...Tšhireletšo ya Tlhago ya Balemerui ba Dikolobe tša Mehlape ye MennyaneTšhireletšo ya Tlhago ya Balemerui ba Dikolobe tša Mehlape ye Mennyane© National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff. Des Moines, IA USA.Tšhireletšo ya Tlhago Ke Eng?..

Tša Dijo Mohlare wa Carob

...The pods are used as a chocolate substitute and animal feed while the seeds are ground and used as a thickening agent.Mohlare wa carob (Ceratonia siliqua) o tsebjago gape bjalo ka Borotho bja St John; ke mohlare wo nnyane, wa matlakala a go tia le go..

Bafepi Ba ba golo: Tutuetšo

...Kamoka gabona ba be ba tšwa sehlopheng se e sego sa mmušo – (Grandmothers Against Poverty and Aids) GAPA ‘The Nevergiveups’...

Letšatši le le tlwaelegilego la Mopresidente Mandela

...Ka letšatši le tee ge a dira filimi, "A Day in the Life of the President" ya tšweletšo ya lekala la Weekly Mail TV, o be a tšoga pele ga 5 am le go fofa ka go tloga Boemafofaneng bja Umtata ka Transkei ka 5..

Carob Bjalo ka Phepo ya Diphoofolo

...The brown pods are harvested onto a net or canvas on the ground.Mohlare wa evergreen carob o tšweletša diphotlwa tše kgolo tše tala, tšeo di fetolago mmala wo mosootho ge di butšitšwe...

Go bjala Litchis

...The Agricultural Research Council (ARC) e eletša mapokoso a mabedi go a manne/ha a dinose gore a bewa ka gare ga ya dikenyo, kgole le sephethephethe sa batho...

Kakaretšo ya Pherefere ye Tanta

...Ge sebjalo se thoma go butšwa se rata komelelo ka ntle le pula ka ge e hlatloša kgolo ya fankase le mathatla a taolo ya nošetšo.DikhalthibaGo na le dikhalthiba tše makgolo a eupša ke tše, tše mmalwa: California Wonder, King of the North, Jupiter, Pip,..

Tšweletšo ya Poreima

...Tšweletšo ya PoreimaTšweletšo ya PoreimaSouth Africa is internationally known for the high quality of its plums...

Selecting the Best Bulls for Dairy Farming

...Selecting the Best Bulls for Dairy FarmingSelecting the Best Bulls for Dairy Farming©Chris DalyTšweletšo ya maswi e thoma ka morago ga tswalo. Go imiša dikgomo ke ntlha ye bohlokwa kudu mabapi le ditiro tša taolo ya polasa...

Cape Fox

...Di phatlaletše mo Afrika Borwa, dihlaga gagolo maseng a go swana le Western and Northern Cape provinces, the Eastern Cape (e fela mafelo a south-eastern a tlogetšwe le Free State, western le north-western KwaZulu-Natal le North-West...

Boitsebišo bja Kolobe Ya Sethokgwa

...The Predation Management Manual e eletša balemi go šomiša pre-baiting gore dikolobe di kgone go tlwaela mehlala le go swara ka bontši...

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