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Sutherlandia Frutescens

...Lebitso la yona la Sepedi ‘Lerumo la madi’ eleng ho boleng ho hlwekisa madi, insiswa (Zulu) mme ka Afrikaand ke ‘kankerbos’ mme e hlalosa hore ke moriana o kgahlano le mofetshe...

Di Bastaards tsa Richtersveld

...Hoo e ka bang ka 1780, ditho tse ding tsa lelapa di ile tsa boela tsa ya Orange River, moo di ileng tsa dula sebakeng sa Kimberley, pele di tswela pele ho ya batla naha ya tsona...

Boitsebahatso ba Mopheme

...Di boetse di ngotswe Kimberley Thorn Bushveld, Eastern Mixed Kama Karoo le Dry Sandy Highveld Grassland, hammoho le sefate sa fynbos sa Western Cape, se nang le dikgahla tse phahameng tsa mocheso le dimela tse teteaneng...

Disirilamunu Afrika Borwa

...  Difate tsa sirilamunu di ne di lengwa ka thoko ho mmila Kimberley ka ntwa ya Anglo-Boer...

Perela ya Malete ke Eng?

...E boetse e tsejwa e le borosolo, manna (Afrikaans), leotsa (Sepedi), nyalothi (Sesotho), inyouti (isiNdebele), mongwa, mongo (Shangaan) kapa unyaluthi, unyawoti le onyawothi (Sesotho).Dipalesa tsa Perela ke dinaha tsa SADC (Southern African Development..

Semela sa Sekgo ke Eng?

...Semela sa sekgo (Cleome gynandra) e tsebahala hape jwalo ka oorpeultjie (Afrikaans), lerotho (ka Sepedi le Sesotho), murudi (ka Tshivenda), rirudzu, bangala (ka Xitsonga) le Ulude (in isiNdebele) mme hlaha ditropiking tsa Afrika le Borwa botjhabela ba..

UNESCO le Sekgahla sa Botho ba Botho

...Diwebsaete tsena ke sekepe sa Taung, haufi le Kimberley, le Makapansgat, haufi le Pietersburg / Polokwane...

Lenane la Mantswe a Dihlahiswa tsa Lebese

...kgomoDystocia - ha ho tshebetso ya ho hlahisa manamane ka tlhaho fatsheEarly lactation - matsatsi a 60 a pele ka mora letsatsi la ho hlahisa manamaneEstimated breeding values (EBV's) - sesupo sa hore phoofolo e lokelwa ke diphatseng tsa lefutso (boleng)Feed..

Perpernel ya Maburu a Vredefort

...Di taemane di ile tsa sibollwa Kimberley dilemong tsa bo 1860 mme ntwa ya pele ya Anglo-Boer ya qhoma ka 1880 (ho etswa dithunya tsa pele Potchefstroom) me ya fela selemo hamorao ka tlholo ya Maburu...

Mathata a Letlalo la Kolobe - Le Kotsi le ho Cheswa ke Letsatsi

...Ho ya ka sehlooho sa National Animal Disease Information Service (NADIS), Pig Health – Sunburn and heat stroke/heat stress, ho cheswa ke letsatsi ho ka ferekanngwa le maemo a mang a ka ntle a ka nnang a etsa hore ho letlalo le be lekgubedu le ho letlalo..

Ho kganna hara Vredefort Dome

...Ka mora dikhilomithara tse 20, ho na le kgethollo pakeng tsa N1 le N12 (e ngotsweng bakeng sa Potch le Kimberley). Nka N12 mme o tsamaye ka thoko ho dithaba tse ka bang dikhilomithara tse 100...

Mathata a Mangata a ho Sila ka Mpeng a Dikolobe

...Ho ya ka NADIS Animal Health Skills, ho tloswa ha setho sa mmele ho ka bakwa ke ho ja haholo, phepo ya mariha e hlama e metsi, phepo e sa tsitsang, ho ja dijo tse maemo a boima kapa ho ba le lefu la bothata ba ho ruruha mala...

Ho Hlahisa Kolobe

...Tse tshehadi di lokela ho ba le mmele o tebileng o nang le sebaka sa madinyane a mangata.Ho Nyadisa Mefuta e Batlang e Tshwana©National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff, Des Moines, IA, USA.Cross-breeding may help to increase the feed efficiency..

Kgatello ya Kelello ya Serame ho Dikolobe

...Ho latela Animal Agriculture ea Univesithi ya Washington State, dikolobe tse nang le kgatello ya kelello ya serame di tla bokellana kapa dirobale ka maoto ka tlase ho tsona ho leka ho futhumala. Di ka boela tsa thothomela ke serame...

Mmoane e Le Dijo Tsa Diphoofolo

...  Ka Lwetse 2019 ho ile ha tlalehwa ha Bonngwe ba Phepo ya Mmoane (Hemp Feed Coalition) e dinaheng tsa Amerika e sebetsa mmoho le FDA-Center ya bongaka ba diphoofolo ho bula mebaraka e metjha bakeng sa tshebediso ya mmoane e le sejo sa tlatsetso..

Mathata a Letlalo la Kolobe - Mafu a Kolobe

...Ho ya ka sehlooho sa National Animal Disease Information Service, Pig Health – Greasy Pig Disease, baktheria e dula hodima letlalo la dikolobe, empa e tla hloka hlohletso ho hlahisa lefu lena...

Boiketlo ba Kolobe

...E itshetlehile ka seo ho thweng ke molao-motheo wa Five Freedoms jwalokaha ho amohetswe ke Farm Animal Welfare Council, e leng bolokolohi ho nyorweng, tlala le kgaello ya phepo e nepahetseng, ho lokoloha ho se nang bobe, ho lokoloha ho bohloko, mahlaba..

Matshwao a Mafu a Dipodi

...Enterotoxemia,ScrapieHo ruruha ha tlhoko: Mastitis, Agalactia e tshwaetsanangUlcerative Lesions (Ka hare ha molomo o ka tlaase/ marenene): Peste Des Petits RuminantsLero le tlwaelehileng ho tswa hara botshehadi: MastitisHo hlatsa: Milk FeverLoss Weight / Off Feed..

Mefuta e Lokolohileng le Tlhahiso ya Dikgoho ya Tlhaho

...Ho ya ka khoutu ya bona ya boikwetliso, dinonyana tsohle, e kaba e hodiseditsweng lapeng, hokong, mofuta o lokolhileng kapa tsa tlhaho, di lokela ho ba le phumantsho ya ditokoloho tsohle tse hlano tse tsebisitsweng ke World Animal Organisation...

Ke Hloka eng Hore ke Qale Polokelo ya Dinotsi?

...Seo o ka Ithutang Sona ka ho Bolokadinotsi©The Animal and Plant Health Agency, Crown CopyrightBatho ba bangata ba ntseng ba lema dinotsi ba shebella divideo tsa marang rang, empa boholo ba divideo tsena di nkwa USA le Europe...

Kgwebo ya Kolobe Afrika Borwa

...hlahisa mefuta e mengata ya diprotheine ho tlatsa ditlhoko tse kgolo metseng e futsanehileng.Mehlodi e Moholo ya nama Lefatsheng©National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff, Des Moines, IA, USA.Pig production can help to address the growing demand for animal..

Ho Nkwa ha Dikokwanahloko Bakeng sa Bonyenyane ba di Kolobe tsa Balemi

...Ka dinako tse ding malwetse a ka fetiswa dibakeng tse hole kapa dinaheng ka ho romela nama le diphoofolo tse phelang.Remember that infections and parasites will nearly always come from other pigs, people, shoes, feed, vehicles and pests.Hopola hore tshwaetso..

Potata e Tshweu

...Makgasi a fana ka koketso ya di protein, di vitamin le di minerale.Lebitso la Sebaka: Potata e TshweuSesotho: Potata e tshweu Setswana: Potata e tshweu isiXhosa: lbhatata emhlophe isiZulu: Ubhatata omhlope Xitsonga: Nhlata yotshoka Sepedi: Potata..

Mefuta Ya Dikgoho Tsa Matswalwa

...Dikgoho tse tshehadi di etsa hore ebe bo mme ba nang le boitshwaro le ho itlosa bodutu ba bona ba thuse ho phela hantle.Kgoho ya Potchefstroom KoekoekThe Potchefstroom Koekoek e qapilwe dilemong tsa bo 1950 ke Chris Marais ya tswang Research Institute of Animal..

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