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Go Reka Dihlapi tša Bafsa

...Se se swanetše go hwetšwa ka fase ga matšatši a 14 pele ga tshepetšo ye e rulagantšwego, go eletša Henk Stander ya molaodimogolo wa setegeniki ka Aquaculture: Department of Animal Sciences at Stellenbosch University...

The Khoikhoi of South Africa

...They found the Khoikhoi habit of smearing rancid animal fat all over their bodies particularly abhorrent (despite the quite logical explanation that the stinking grease helped ward off fleas), and the Dutch were often tempted to shoot the whole bloody..

Moento Diruiweng tša Maphego go Thibela Malwetši

...O se ke wa fa dibolayatswatši ge go sepedišwa moento wa go phela, go swana le dibolayatwatši tša go ka senya diphedinyana tše nnyane moentong...

Melawana ya go Tutafatša

...Setšweletšwa go tloga fao se swanetše go išwa go phuthela, go direlwa setlankana, go sepedišwa le go rekišwa...


...A sunny summer’s day calls called for a leisurely lunch on the lawn, and there is was plenty of room from an impromptu game of cricket or soccer - and plenty of bread crusts to feed to the geese and ducks on the farm dam...

External Parasite Management

...Wood ash helps to smother and dislodge external parasites, while also cleaning the body of oils, debris and dust that some parasites feed on. The ash can be mixed with sand or peat moss and placed in an old tin or plastic bath that is easy to clean...

Pests and Diseases of Bees

...These mites pierce the bee’s windpipe (trachea) and feed on the haemolymph (bee ‘blood’)...

What Do I Need to Start Beekeeping?

...©The Animal and Plant Health Agency, Crown CopyrightMoving hives is hard work...

One's Waste, Another's Prize

...Presiding over all this is a sign announcing the types of waste that can be offloaded here: general; industrial; garden; builders; ash; animal carcasses; condemned items; and recyclable materials...

Identification of Spotted Hyena

...Farmers should, however, remember that merely seeing a hyena feeding on a carcass does not necessarily indicate that it has killed the animal...

Geology and Topography of the Drakensberg

...Plant fossils are abundant, but no animal remains have been found. The Red Beds form the second layer, with their typical red to purple mudstones and shales, which form the steep grassy slopes of the mid-Little Berg...

Food Security: The Big Picture

...There are a few more of us around now – 7 billion and counting – and we are still producing masses of food, in spite of climatic shifts and peak oil threatening to pinch off the vital arteries that feed parts of the agriculture model...

Matshwao a Mafu a Dipodi

...Enterotoxemia,ScrapieHo ruruha ha tlhoko: Mastitis, Agalactia e tshwaetsanangUlcerative Lesions (Ka hare ha molomo o ka tlaase/ marenene): Peste Des Petits RuminantsLero le tlwaelehileng ho tswa hara botshehadi: MastitisHo hlatsa: Milk FeverLoss Weight / Off Feed..

ILawulo Lamalwele Weenkukhu Ngokuhlengeka

...Ihlangano etjheje zepilo eenlwanini umhlaba zombelele i-World Organisation of Animal Health iyelelisa bonyana abakhiqizi beenkukhu ezihlanzelwa ukuvikela amalwelwe eendaweni zabo, babulale zoke iindlela eziletha ubulwelwe, ekufaka hlangana iimpukani,..

Imihlobo Yeenkukhu Zesintu

...ubukhali bazo buzenza bonyana zikghone ukuqinisekisa ukusinda nokuphila isikhathi kwazo.Umhlobo obizwa nge-Potchefstroom KoekoekUmhlobo obizwa nge-Potchefstroom Koekoek yatholakala ngomnyaka we-1950s itholwa ngu-Chris Marais we-Research Institute of Animal..

Mefuta e Lokolohileng le Tlhahiso ya Dikgoho ya Tlhaho

...Ho ya ka khoutu ya bona ya boikwetliso, dinonyana tsohle, e kaba e hodiseditsweng lapeng, hokong, mofuta o lokolhileng kapa tsa tlhaho, di lokela ho ba le phumantsho ya ditokoloho tsohle tse hlano tse tsebisitsweng ke World Animal Organisation...

Loagô lwa Dikolobe

...E theilwe ka fa tlase ga mokgwa-tsamaisô wa Dikgololosegô tse Tlhano, jaaka di dumetswe ke Farm Animal Welfare Council, eleng kgololosegô gotswa lenyoreng, tlaleng le phepông-tlase, kgololosegô gotswa tlhôkông-phuthulogô, kgololosegô gotswa setlhabing..

Vundeme ha Madi kha Ufuwa ha Khovhe

...Mufhiso une wa fhira nntha ha 20°C u ita uri isa tsha hula zwavhudi wa dovha wa sika na manwe mathada, u fana na u nga dala ha malwadze na thaidzo dza oxygen, vha ya talutshedza vho Henk Stander vha Aquaculture: Department of Animal Sciences, Stellenbosch..

Efficient and Sustainable Farming

...There should still be diverse ways – multiple pathways – for getting food into the city, so that if one route fails (say, a key road or railway line is washed away during a severe flood), other routes can still operate to feed the city...

Red Tides and Climate Change

...Higher winds will also churn up the water too much, breaking up the pockets of food on which the fish larvae must feed and dispersing them widely...

Amalwelwe Ajayelekileko Kanye Nemiraro Yeembuzi

...Buza udorhodere weenlwane nanyana i-animal health care technician.Ukurhuluka Kombungu©Susan Schoenian University of Maryland ExtensionUkurhuluka kombungu kungabangelwa yindlala nanyana sinunwana esifana ne- Chlamydia (ukuyelapha: yigomele) nanyana..

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