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Spotted Hyena

...Among the carnivore families, this unique animal enjoys its own family known as hyaenidae and is neither cat nor dog...

The Science of Islands

...On an island, it's not that simple, especially if, like the dodo, an animal has discarded air travel for the luxury of picking its livelihood from the forest floor.Landlocked Islands©Ann GaddFields of Renosterveld, may not be the most beautiful..

Ukumbanjwa Kweemfesi Zemanzini Afretjhi

...ukudla amalanga angaba 3 - 5 ngaphambili kobana zibanjwe, kwesinye isikhathi amalanga la angabamade nakutholakala bona amazinga wokutjhisa aphasi, nalokha indeni yefesi nayigaya buthaka kuyelelisa uHenk Stander onguhlokokulu we-Aquaculture: Department of Animal..


...1810, ka morago ga go phatlalatša dinyakišišo tša gagwe mo Le Livre de tous les Menages, ou l’Art de Conserver Pendant Plesieurs Annees Toutes les Substances Animales et Vegetables (The Art of Preserving All Kinds of Animal..

Monitoring a Growing Hops Plant

...You can water and nutrient feed (fertilize) your hops plant occasionally, depending on what is needed. Remove all weeds and debris from the soil around the plant...

Abseiling at Table Mountain National Park

...Your confidence soars as you descend further, kicking away from the face in great looping arcs as you feed the rope through the friction device, and you can feel the adrenaline thumping deep down in your gut...


...By Megan EmmettAppearanceThe giraffe is the tallest land animal in the world. Males can reach a height of 5 m, and females 4.5 m...

Transportation of Pigs

...In summary, their aim is to prevent the spreading of diseases and to reduce animal stress during transportation...

Mukhuhlwani wa Swine

...Van’wamapurasi kuya hi nawu vafanele ku vika nhlaselo lowu eka madokodela ya swifuwo ya mfumu kumbe animal health technician, loyi angata endla vulavisisi kutani a teka swikombiso kuya swilavisisa e laboratory.Swikoweto swaleswaku nguluve yingava yikhomiwile..

Supply and Demand of Goat Meat in South Africa

...R1 200 vs R700 for the same size/age animal - Nov 2018)...

Aankoop van Jong Visse

...Dit moet ten minste 14 dae voor die tyd verkry word, adviseer Henk Stander, hoof tegniese bestuurder van Aquaculture: Department of Animal Sciences by die Stellenbosch Universiteit. Maak s’n paar dae voor die tyd seker van die weervoorspellings...

Ostrich Production

...Ostrich ProductionOstrich ProductionSouth Africa's Ostrich Farming IndustryOstrich production in South Africa is unique in the sense that it is a low-carbon footprint, sustainable and socially responsible farming system that produces healthy and lean animal..

Marine Wildlife

...They are at the top of the marine food chain, and the combination of speed, agility and power makes this fearsome animal a favourite for any ocean safari...

Mofikela wa Avian Influenza

...Go ya ka lekgotlha la World Organisation for Animal Health, bolwetse jwa H5N1 bo simolotse go bonwa kwa Hong Kong ka ngwaga wa 1997, mme bo phatlhaletse go tswa kwa Asia go ya kwa Europe le Afrika ga e sale ngwaga wa 2003...

Vhuthada ha Lukanda lwa Nguluvhe - Malwadze aNguluvhe

...Uya nga zwe zwa nwaliwa nga vha National Animal Disease Information Service, mutakalo wa nguluvhe – Greasy Pig Disease, tshitzhili tshi dzula kha lukanda. Fhedzi zwi ya ṱoḓa tshithu tshine tsha nga zwi vusa uri tshi kone u tshinyadza lukanda...

Amalwelwe Ayingozi Emfarigini

...Amalwelwe la womabili ayalawulwa ngokuya ngokomthetho we-Animal Health Act...

How to Care for the Hooves of Goats

...Contamination can occur when an infected animal is added to the herd and when foot rot microorganisms are carried in soil on visitors' shoes.How to Trim Goat Hooves©Marinda LouwUse a special hoof trimmer or a pruning shears to trim your goat's..

Marine Life Conservation in South Africa

...The sustainable use of oceans should be at the forefront of South Africa’s conservation efforts, and various organisations have been implementing programs to ensure no marine animal goes extinct...

Angus Beef

...Production©John BoulleAn ox from an Angus cross.Angus has over the years become a leading international beef breed, because of the excellent quality of its meat, the fact that it is polled, in other words, it is born without horns, and its good feed..

Medium-sized Dual-purpose Breeds

...Sustainable farming requires far less bought-in feed, as the rabbits are fed mainly on hay and greens from the vegetable and herb garden, they grow far more slowly than commercially-fed animals...

Pukunšhu ya Mareo a Tšweletšo ya Mebutla

...ditshepedišo tšeo di šomišwago go nea dijo gare ga serobe Foster: Go tšea bana go mebutla e tona gomme ba išiwa go ba bangwe gore ba godišiwe Genetics: Thutamahlale ya diphapantšho tša tšweletšo ya sehlopha sa mebutla Genitals: Ditho tša thobalanoGreen feed..

More Pig Breeds

...Crossings with breeds such as the Duroc and Large White produces progeny with improved growth rates, feed conversion as well as meat and carcass quality...

Cucumber Planting

...Foliar feed sprays can be done to supplement microelements. The best way of fertilizing is with liquid fertilisers through the watering systems...

Hemp Tani Hi Swakudya Swa Swifuwo

...  Hi September 2019 ku vikiwe leswaku nhlangano lowunga e US wa Hemp Feed Coalition wule kutirhisaneni na FDA-Center ya Veterinary Medicine kuva ku pfuriwa timakete tintshwa takuva ku tirhisiwa hemp tani hi swakudya swo engetelela swa swifuwo...

Things to Know About Kruger

...As you travel north towards Letaba, you move into mopane scrub – great for elephants, but unless you're following a watercourse, the animal sightings diminish...

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