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iSimangaliso ke sebaka sa matjhaba sa bonono

...Park, Sodwana State Forest, Sodwana Bay National Park, Lake Sibaya Freshwater Reserve, the Coastal Forest Reserve le Kosi Bay Nature Reserve)Bohlokwa ba Paka ya Matjhaba©Roger de la HarpeiSimanagaliso Wetland Park, e hlaloswa e le sebaka sa matjhaba..

Sebaka Phumaneho sa Robben Island

...Se bonahala ka lehlakoreng la Table Bay, Bloubergstrand, Sea Point le Camps Bay. Se bonahala haholo haole qhoweng ya Table Mountain. Se fumaneha dikilo mitara tse kabang 10 km kantle ho Waterfront. Dikilomitara 7 ho tloha lebopong la Bloubergstrand...

Ho Tsamaya Leeto Robben Island

...Ho tlowa ntlheng ena ya ntho tsa kgale o ka sheba ka ho le letona fatshe o bona lefatshe la lebopo, ho tlowa sejaneng sa toropo ho ya ntlheng ya lewatle, ka camp bay, ho bapostola ba 12 ho yay a Hout Bay le ntlheng ya Champ’s man, tjhebeho eo o kekeng..

Tshebetso ya Serapa sa Sechaba ya Mapungubwe

...Shem CompionKori Bustard bird.Mekgwa ya majwe, difate tsa Mopani le meru e ikgethang ya dinoka le difate tsa baobab di etsa dibaka tse fapa-fapaneng moo dinonyana di ka tshollang mefuta e 400, ho akarelletsa le Kori Bustard, Tropical Boubou le Pel's Fishing..


...History e bontsha ha kabo phoofolo tsena saka tsa hola ho feta.Moo di fumanehangKabo ya tsona e thibetswe Repaboliking ya Afrika Borwa...

Damara Tern

...Hape le 'tit-tit'.TswaloDi tswalwa lebopong la Namibia le haufi le Table Bay, hape le sebakeng se qetwang ho tsibollwa, Rocky Point, ho fihlela noka ya Cunene. Dihlaha di lehlabatheng ho fihlela dikilometara tse 5 ho tloha lewatleng...

Dilemo tsa sesole Robben Island

...Boholo ba meaho ya kgale e ile ya swahlamanngwa, mme marabele a ile a sebediswa ho aha kou e ntjha Marray Bay...

Jeokrafi ya Richtersveld, Afrika Borwa

...Ka hona, karolong e ka leboya, e phallela haufi le Orange River e tsheptjwang ho tloha Alexander Bay ho ya Pofadder (Bushmanland). Ka bophirimela, e latela lebopong la lewatle la Atlantic ho fihlela dikhilomithara tse 35 ka borwa ho Garies...

Mohair Afrika Borwa

...Hang ha dipodi di phunyeletse moriri o iswa Nelson Mandela Bay ka baeti ba rekang thepa (moriri) ka thekiso.Mohair ya Afrika Borwa, e tliswa Nelson Mandela Bay (Port Elizabeth sebakeng sa profinseng ya Eastern Cape) moo e sebetsanwang teng...

Black Wildebeest

...Ho ya ka history Black Wildebeeste hapile karolo e mahareng ya tshimu e bulehileng ya jwang ka hara naha, ho tloha Kapa Botjhabela, Free State, Lebatowa le ka borwa la Highveld eleng Transvaal ya mehleng, Bophirima ba Lesotho, bophirima ba Swaziland le..


...Ha a tloha Angola o ile a nka qeto ya dula London a dule haufi le Natural History Meseum le Royal Botanical Gardens. O sebeditse moo hofihlela a hlokahala ka 1872...

Tlhao ya Sezulu

...Ka maeto a hae, pono ya hae eile ea atoloswa mme a tsejwa kgwebong, e neng e ntse e eketseha ho pota-pota koung ya Portugal ya Delagoa Bay Ha a utlwa ka lefu la ntatae, o ile a kgutla a palamme pere, a nka sethunya, hore a nke boeta-pele ba Mthethwa...


...Ke history taba ya hore bongata ba tsona di fokotsehile haholo ho ralla le kontinente ya Afrika ka baka la bokoniale. Lengau le mafolofolo bosiu haholo ka papadi ya yona ya tlhorong ya thaba ha letsatsi le dikela le ha le tjhaba...

Nara Plant

...Nara PlantNara PlantSefate sa NaraLebitsoSefate sa Nara (Nara plant)Lebitso la selatiniAcanthosicyos horridusTlhahiso Nara ke semela se etsang se hlopa semeroho polokong ya lekala la Sossuvlai ha ofi le Vallvis Bay...

Batho ba Richtersveld

...Ka 1989, Mokgatlo wa Alexander Bay Development o thehilwe ke mmuso ho nka 'maruo, dikoloto, ditokelo le boikarabelo ba State Alluvial Diggings'...

Feberu ya Dikolobe

...Ho ya ka sehlooho sa Dr Mary-Louise Penrith, History of ‘swine fever’ in Southern Africa, mafu a bakwa ke dikokwana-hloko tse pedi tse fapaneng tse hlahisang matshwao a tshwanang ho etsa hore ho be thata ho kgetholla pakeng tsa oona...

Ukukhenwa Kokudla Ngendlela ye-Pickling - se-Food Processing

...Iimpaysi ezifana nama-peppercorns, i-imbewu eyonyisiweko ye-coriander, ama-bay leaves kunye nama-mustard seeds nofana isipaysi esikhethekileko se-pickling singafakwa...

Mefuta ya Kwaeyalekgwaba

...Setsibi sa Cape Town sa hlobo, Gary Goldman, o boletse ha mefuta e ratwang haholo ya kwaeyalekgwaba e jowang e kenyeletsa bay le poplar boletus, porcini le wood Blewitt.Kwaeyalekgwaba e le Setlhare©Marinda LouwSehlooho sa kwaeyalekgwaba e le setlhare..

Motshwaruwa Mandela ka Raymond Louw

...tsa hae, a nang le sebete sa ho jwetsa balebedi ba tjhankane hore ba tlohele matla ao ba a sebedisang, e leng tsela e ka tlisang sephetho se le seng feela, ho fana ka matla ho batho ba hatelletsweng.Ho qoba merusu ya selehaeMokgwa o mong e ne ele hore history..

Histori ya Tlhaho ya Cradle of Humankind

...Bonneteng, kutlwisiso ya rona batho ba fitileng e dutse ho amaneng le palo e nyane ya history e setseng le tse ntjha tse fumanehileng, mme di re qobella ho elahloko le ho hlahoba sefate sa leloko...

Ho Hlahloba Orange River, Richtersveld

...Kahoo ba mamella mme ba tswela pele ho tloha Nokeng ya Buffels (haufi le Kleinzee ya kajeno) ho ya MacDougalls Bay (haufi le lewatleng la kajeno ya Port Nolloth) ebe ba feta Holgat River Gorge, ho fihlela ba fihla Molomong wa Orange River ka la 17 Phato..

Pinot Noir

...Mmoho ka ho tsamaiswa ka ho hlahiswa ha veine ya boleng, sele ena ya bong e ntjha e ileng ya qetella e hlahisa mefuta futa, ho kenyelletsa Elgin, Doring Bay le Franschoek...

Temo ya Truffle Afrika Borwa

...Truffles di fumanwa botebong bo 40 cm mobung o lehlabathe hammoho le ka tlase hanyane feela mobung o letsopa, ho bolela Volker Miros wa Woodford Truffles e Hout Bay...

Melemo le Tshebediso ya Kwaeyalekgwaba

... Mefuta e meng ya kwaeyalekgwaba e tlotlwang ka ho katleho ya ho lwantsha mofetshe ke mofuta wa Agaricus (kwaeyalekgwaba e sootho le ya konopo), kwaeyalekgwaba e hlaha - bay bolete, enoki, kwaeyalekgwaba ya Lactarius (‘milkcaps’), mefuta..

Tsamaiso ya ka Ntle ya Dikokwana-hloko

...Lethathamo la ditlama le akarelletsa lavender, bay leave, marigold, eucalyptus, oregano, peppermint, lengana le spearmint...

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