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Imizi YeSintu YamaZulu

...Babe ziwere entirely independent of the chief dwelling.Social Order©Dr Peter MagubaneNangona indoda yomZulu isenokuba neqela labafazi, kwakungafane kubekho ngquzulwano okanye mona, njengoko abafazi bonke babezimele...

Ifuywa njani I-Catfish

...Kwelase Central nase West Africa, ezintlobo zixhaphakile netoni ezingapha kwama 250 000 ezilinywa rhoqo ngonyaka eCameroon, Nigeria kunye nakwi Democratic Republic of the Congo.Eyonanto inodumo kweli lase Mzantsi Afrika, zimveliso ze catfish ezithandwayo..

uMzantsi Afrika Ngo 1980’s ngu Rev. Desmond Tutu

...Desmond TutuUkwanda ko Qhankqalazo©Eric MillerArchbishop Desmond Tutu reconsecrates the St Georges Cathedral after riot police went in th enight before. 5 Sept 1989.Ngomnyaka ka 1980 kwiphulo lam, ezinye iinkokheli ze South African Council of Churches..

Iingxaki kunye Namathuba Okukhulisa iInyosi

...Iingxaki kunye Namathuba Okukhulisa iInyosiIingxaki kunye Namathuba Okukhulisa iInyosi eMzantsi Afrika© Dawid SmitDue to the decline in native bees numbers farmers have to rely on managed bees for pollination of blueberries.Iingxaki Zokukhulisa iInyosi..

Umfanekiso Ocacileyo Ngomsebenzi ka Dr. Peter Magubane

...Kwezimbasa zininzi zamazwe jikelele athe wazifumana uPeter, ikhona imbasa eyodwa enendawo yegugu kwindawo abeka kuyo iimbasa zakhe: The Order for Meritorious Service Class ll, awathi wayifumana kowayengu Mongameli uNelson Mandela ngonyaka ka 1999...

Yintoni iListeria?

...©Dr Jim RobinsonThe bacteria that caused the Listeria outbreak in 2017/2018 in South Africa was never linked to pork...

Pinot Noir

...Grapes ripen early midseason, from the first half of February.Amagaqa OmdiliyaAmagaqa alomdiliya mancinci, amile okwe ovali...

I-Salty Ice Plant yee Saladi

...Imbewu yayo ityiwa ngamaxesha endlala enkulu.Ice Plant Njenge Yeza©Frank VincentzThe leaves of the Ice Plant can be added raw to salads or boiled like spinach.Esi sityalo singasetyenziswa ukunyanga ukudumba nokutshotshozela kwe zibindi, isinyi kunye..

Abathengi be Nyama ye Bhokhwe

...Ngokwesifundo esenziwe yi ‘A Profile of the South African Goat Market Value Chain’ (2017) isebe Lezolimo, Amahlathi nee Ntlanzi lifumanise okokuba ngesiqhelo abona bathengi baninzi benyama yebhokhwe (Chevon) eMzantsi Afrika ngabantu abane ngeniso mali..

Izivuno Zasehlotyeni eMzantsi Afrika

...imvula yehlobo, ingxenye yemveliso iye isuke kwelase Free State, kuxhomekeke kwimeko zezulu kunye nabathengi, kulandela iNorth West ne Mpumalanga, Gauteng ne Kwazulu Natal nazo zivelisa umbona omninzi.I-Soybeans©Courtesy of National Pork Board and the..

Imveliso ye Avocado

...Ilizwe lase China lithenga kakhulu kwelase Chile, Mexico, nase Peru; omathathu lamazwe anezifumelwano zentengiso nelizwe lase China eziwalungele omathathu lamazwe.Indawo ze Mveliso ye Avocado ©Photo courtesy of the California Avocado CommissionImveliso..

Ubume Bomhlaba Wase Richtersveld

...Njengoko uWillem Steenkamp ebalisa kwincwadi yakhe yeenkumbulo zobomi bakhe, nesihloko sithi Land of the Thirst King, ‘Lendawo ifana ne khostina. Ukuba ufuna ukuhlala phakathi kwimida yayo ungayinweba uye kuma eVredendal...

Yintoni iSpider Plant?

...© Forest and Kim StarrThe spider plant is an upright growing 'weed' of which the flowers and growth tips are eaten like a green leafy vegetable.iSpider plant yaziwa ngokuba yi cat’s whiskers kunye ne khaphetshu lase Afrika (African cabbage), amagqabi..

Iindlela Zokukhongozela Amanzi Emvula

...La amanzi afikeleleka ngoko nangoko ukuze asetyenziswe phakathi nekhaya.Eyona ndlela Ingcono Yokukhongozela Amanzi EmvulaUkuqokelelwa kwamanzi emvula awela phakathi entsimini (The in-field rainwater harvesting) nebizwa nge (IRWH) yaveliswa ngabaphandi..

Imveliso ye Hemp

...Ekulimeni i-HempKwelo Mzantsi Afrika, ukulinywa kwe hemp kuse phantsi komya okanye intsangu ngokomthetho yiyo lonto isaziwa njengokuba iyalawuleka - ayina mehluko kwi ntsangu, utsho uGill Staniland ongumseki we Cannabis Industry Development Cooperative of the..

Ukuphawula Imveliso zeeHagu

...Akukho ntlobo ye hormones isetyenziswa kwimveliso zeehagu eMzantsi Afrika, akukhathaliseki nokuba yimveliso ye organic okanye hayi.iPork 360©Glenneis KrielPork 360 is a quality assurance certification system of the South African Pork Producers Organisation.iPork..

Izinto Ezinomtsalane Kutyelelo Lwase Robben Island

...Izindlu zezinja ecaleni kwalendlu zongezwa ngomyaka ka 1976, emva kwentshukumo zase Soweto, ngethuba izinja ezikhohlakeleyo zaziswa ukuzokuthomalalisa amabanjwa afikayo ayedlokova.Ibhasi iyaqhubeka iye kwicawe ebizwa nge Church of the Good Shepherd...

Amagama Asetyenziswa kwi Mfuyo Yebhokhwe

...It slips over the head and locks the front legs in place.AAbomasum: Esesine okanye amathumbu kwisisu sesilwanyane esizitho zine esine ncindi engamanzi okanye oko kuzisa imbonakalo yekhemikhali (enzyme) eyenza ukuqhekeko lwekhemikhali emzimbeni.Arbortifacients..

Inkcazelo nge Mfene

...Imida ehlala kuyo ingaba phakwathi kwe 1,5 km² ukuya kuma 40 km², ngokubhalwe yi The Endangered Wildlife Trust...

Ukuziswa Kweli Nokuthengiswa Kwenyama Yebhokhwe Kumazwe Angaphandle

...Ukuyo kuma ngo September ka 2018, ayikho inyama yebhokhwe eyathi yaziswa kweli isuka kumazwe angaphandle.Ukuthengiswa Kwenyama Yebhokhwe Kumazwe Angaphandle Isuka eMzantsi Afrikai-DAFF, kwinkcazelo yayo ethi ‘A Profile of the South African Goat Market..

Indlela Yokufuya i-Avocado

...Ikhansila ebizwa nge Agricultural Research Council (ARC) icebisa ukusetyenziswa kwee koloni ezimbini okanye ezine zee nyosi kwi hekthare ngante ukuze iziqhamo ze avocado zikhule ngendlela.Izonakalisi Kunye neZifo zeeAvocado ©Photo courtesy of the..

Iinyosi kunye neeMfuneko zePollination kwiZityalo

...Iinyosi kunye neeMfuneko zePollination kwiZityaloIinyosi kunye neeMfuneko zePollination kwiZityalo©Luc ViatourA bee pollinating the blossoms of a fruit tree.Ngaphandle kokubhalisa amatsili abo, kukho iimfuneko ezithile ekufuneka abagcini-nyosi bahambisane..

Imbali nge Ndalo yeCradle of Humankind

...Kunjalo nje ungquzulwano phakathi kwemvelaphi yendalo kunye nokudalwa kwehlabathi kusengumba oshushu namhlanje kanye njenge thuba apho indoda egama lingu Charles Darwin yothusa ihlabathi liphela ngencwadi yakhe eyathengwa jikelele ebizwa nge ‘On the origin..

uDesmond Tutu: Ukuba yiNkokheli

...Waye watyelela nelizwe lase Melika, asakubuyiselwa ipaspoti yakhe, ukuze enze intetho kwiTriennial Convention of the Episcopal Church...

Uphuncuka Bemphethe we Bhulu Lase Vredefort

...Wayenguphuncuka bemphethe kangangokuba wade wathiywa igama elingu ‘The Boer Pimpernel’ okanye ‘uphuncuka bemphethe webhulu’.Inkokheli EdumileyoU-Christiaan De Wet wayinkokheli ebukhali kodwa edumileyo...

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