Potato Planting
Vegetable Farming in South Africa
Propagation is done by seed potatoes or tubers.
Potato Planting Method
Potato planting can be done by hand or mechanical planter. Plant the seed potatoes or tubers 150mm deep. Once the plants have grown to 25 to 30 cm in height the plants can be ridged to protect the stem from sun and tubers underground from pests.
Ridging is when the soil surrounding the young potato plants is used to build a ridge or mound in which the tubers can develop. This can be done mechanically or by hand.
Potato plants should be spaced 20 to 30 cm apart in rows that are 80 to 100 cm apart.
What is the Best Time to Plant Potatoes?
In frost-free areas potatoes can be planted in South Africa from August to early June the following year. In areas where frost is prevalent planting is best contained to the months August to December into early January.
Growth Period
110 to 150 days from planting
At planting apply about 1000 kg of 2:3:4 (30). Apply along the plant rows. Six weeks after planting apply 500 kg of LAN. There are very good organic fertilizers that do very well with potatoes.
Soil must be moist at planting not wet. Irrigate twice weekly putting down between 30 and 40 mm of irrigation per week. If temperatures are higher and sandy soils dry out faster this can go up to 60mm per week in 3 irrigation cycles.
Start to reduce irrigation when the plants start dying back nearing harvest.
Louise Brodie