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Self-ry Roetes deur die Vredefort Koepel

...Na 20km vurk die pad in die N1 en N12 na Potch en Kimberley. Neem die N12 en ry ongeveer 100km al langs die prominente rif van heuwels. Op pad sal jy by die Mponeng Myn verbyry, die diepste in die wêreld...

Basadi ba BaNtwana - Maitshwaro a BaNtwana

...Go fapana le makgopaboya a Sepedi, ao a ngwadilwego ka thipa le dipaterone tše putlago, bokagodimo bja ditheto tša BaNtwana ka tlwaelo di boreledi ka ntle le go ba gona ga diaparo tša go kgabišwa...

Indlela Zokutyisa Iinkukhu

...Ezinje nge feed mills okanye hatcheries oku akubikho lula xa amafama eqelelene, kodwa ke amafama kufuneka athethe, bonke beze nezisombululo kwingxaki abanazo.Sukusebenzisa Ukutya Okungekho SemgangathweniXa uthenga ukutya, qinisekisa okokuba ukutya ukuthenga..

Tinkinga Tesikhumba Sengulube – Tifo Tengulube

...Ngekusho kwembhalo weNational Animal Disease Information Service, Pig Health – Greasy Pig Disease, lokugula kuhlala langetulu esikhumbeni sengulube, kepha khona intfo lekufanele yenteke kute kwakheke lesifo...

Bearded Vulture

...The nest becomes larger with each breeding season, up to around 2 metres, with a covering of various animal matter. The eggs are incubated for approximately 60 days and the hatchlings will spend up to 130 days in the nest before fledging...

Ukuqala Ukufuya Izingulube

...Isibonelo, bangase bavele ngemikhiqizo ngemishini yokugaya noma i-feed pods emthini we-Prosopis noma ihlobisa izingulube.Ukukhiqiza ukudla kwabo abalimi kuzodinga umhlaba okwanele ukwenza kanjalo futhi bacabangele izindleko zokukhiqiza kwalokhu, njengoba..

Kutsengwa kwe Timfishi Letincane

...Inombolo ye mass seyiphelele yetimfishi ibalulekile ngekukhula kwelikusasa bese ubala inombolo yenchubo yekudla (FCR-Feed Conversion Rate).Le FCR yindlela yekudla lekusetjentiswa ekukhiciteni indlela yenyama yemfishi.Naka umfanekiso wetimfishi letiLikhulu..

Limousin Cattle

...The cattle have excellent feed conversion, on average gaining two kilograms per day in feedlots. The breed also regularly win carcass competitions with meat yields averaging around 65%.  The cattle are medium framed...

Paarl Attractions

...Not only does it produce world-famous goat and cow's milk cheeses, it has the even more famous goats that visitors can pet and feed. Since buying Seidelberg Estate and manor next door, Fairview now purveys the premier Spice Route wines...

Things to Do in the Karoo

...Mountain Bike into ‘Die Hel’, hike the Swartberg Trail, 4x4 onto the tortuous bends of the historic Swartberg Pass, do adventure spelunking in the Cango Caves, stroke a big cat at a wildlife ranch, feed an elephant, have a snowball fight or..

Estcourt History

...Other industry in the area includes the production of hard and soft board, nylon goods, plastics, textiles and animal feeds.Estcourt and the Voortrekkers©Roger de la HarpeView of Cultural Village and Town...

Helmeted Guineafowl Description

...Both male and female are alike in appearance, but with the male having longer wattles.Helmeted Guineafowl Diet©Shem CompionThe helmeted guineafowl is omnivorous and feeds on a wide range of plant and animal food...

Bosireletsatshedi jwa Barui-potlana ba Dikolobe

...Kopa tshedimosetso go ngaka ya malwetse a diphologolo ya gago ya puso kgotsa motlhankedi wa itekanelo ya diphologolo kana animal health technician (AHT) wa selegae...

Sourplum as Medicinal Plant

...It is rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids and are used as lamp oil, for softening animal hides and to oil bow strings...

Uxinzelelo lwe Ngqele kwii Hagu

...Ngokwe Animal Agriculture ekwi Dyunivesithi yase Washington State, iihagu eziphantsi kolu xinzelelo ziyacukana endaweni enye okanye zilale ziqothe iinyawo phantsi kwazo ngelinge lokuzifudumeza. Zisenako nokuqhaqhazela yingqele...

Phepô ya Dijo tse di Latlhilweng go Dikolobe

...Goya ka Animal Disease Act (Act 35 of 1984), go kgatlhanong le molao gore balemirui ba fepe dikolobe masaledi a a jalo, go sa kgathalesege gore a tswa mo phaposing-boapelo ya bona, dikepe, restaurant, maokelo kgotsa dihotele, ntle le fa masaledi ao a..

Tindzhawu ta Kahle ta Vufuwi bya Tihlamfpi eka mati yo Tenga

...moyaLevele ya AmmoniapHKuvonakala e matini Ndzavisiso wohelela wa khwalithi ya mati wukatsa kukamberiwa ka mati eka vukona bya timinerali, leswingana nghozi eka tihlampfi, kuya hi Henk Stander mininjhere nkulu wa swa vuthekiniki e Aquaculture: Department of Animal..

Puno le go Butšwa ga Dimanko

...Dimanko di ka bunwa ge di godile fela di sa ntše di tiile e bile di tla kgona go emelana le go sepedišwa ka meamo a thata le go swara ka tatelano bjalo ka ge di tswelela go butšwa...

Highlights of the Free State

...When diamonds were discovered around Kimberley, just within the borders of the Boer republic of the Orange Free State, the Cape colonial government simply drew a new border line so as to capture the major diamond fields...

Indigenous Sheep Breeds in South Africa

...The Damara sheep is a large animal originally from Namibia. It has a long and narrow fat tail and short hair, but develops a woolly undercoat that is shed in summer. Colouring can be brown, white, black or multi-coloured...

How to Farm with Crocodiles

...Crocodiles are cold-blooded animals and access to sunshine and shade is needed for the animal to regulate its temperature. Basking in the sun warms up its body while gaping to expose its tongue allows heat exchange...

Identification of Cape Clawless Otter

...The otters may feed on the nose, ears and lips of the lamb and sometimes also the chest.Management©Roger de la HarpeFarmers are advised, by the Predation Management Forum's manual, to prevent losses with wire netting to a height of a metre, as..

What is Farm Management?

...These changing conditions can include fluctuating prices of fuel, seed, packaging and feed, new decisions made and implemented by the government, changing market conditions and new production methods...

iFree Range ne Mveliso iOrganic Poultry

...Ngokwe mithetho yoveliso, zonke iintaka, nokuba zikhuliswe ezindlwini, kwindlwana, free range okanye organic kufuneka zibenolwazi lwe nkululeko ezintlanu, ezichongwe yi World Animal Organization, zezi:Inkululeko ekulambeni, ukungondlisiseki,ukunqanda..

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