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Tuli Cattle

...  Tuli cows have great maternal qualities, such as good fertility, milk production and low calf mortality, whereas the bulls grow well and have a good feed conversion ratio and carcass quality.Production RegionsThe Tuli breed is produced throughout..

Wagyu Beef

...Farmers need to comply with various ethical and animal welfare practices, keep thorough production records and bull calves need to be castrated before they are five months old.By Glenneis KrielFor bulk or Wagyu Beef export enquiries please use the..

Wat Het ek Nodig om met Bye te Begin Boer?

...Hoe om te Leer van Byeboerdery©The Animal and Plant Health Agency, Crown CopyrightBaie voornemende byeboere kyk na YouTube video’s, maar die meeste hiervan is in die VSA en Europa gemaak...

Jan Van Riebeeck Arrives at the Cape

...And, for the first 9 years of its existence, the little settlement charged with supplying fresh food to the ships in the bay was often too weak to feed itself.Falling on Deaf EarsDespite the successful cultivation of a small Company Garden next to the..

African Elephant

...African ElephantAfrican Elephant© Justin FoxNameAfrican elephant or African bush elephant (loxodonta africana)Elephant AppearanceWith a weight of 6 tons and a height that can reach 3.3 m to the shoulder, the elephant is the largest land animal in..

Industrialisation and Food Production

...determined how big or fast cities developed.Advent of the RailwayHungry City author Carolyn Steel writes about how London in the mid-1800s was limited to a size of about 2.5 million people as long as food was traipsing into the city along roads, under animal..

KZN Wild Coast to the South Coast

...Human and animal scavengers followed the dwindling band of survivors, making short work of the fallen. Only a small proportion of the original crew of most wrecks made it back to Europe...

Mountains in the Lowveld

...These contain animal and plant fossils along with deposits of coal; indications that the land was once wet, swampy and teeming with prehistoric wildlife...

Niels Verburg

...  Niels was still working full-time at Beaumont, so Penny, having studied viticulture and animal husbandry at Elsenburg, did the planting herself, helped by two 'borrowed' farmworkers...

Identification of Cheetah

...They will eat quickly after killing an animal, since they are unable to defend their food from other predators. The rib ends of the prey will be chewed off and the skin, bones and entails will be left...

Activities in St Francis Bay

...The month of May brings mating season to this secluded bay which shelters the breeding whales in a natural marine animal sanctuary until September...

What is Hemp Used For?

...The seeds on the left are from hemp strains that are grown for fibre production.Hemp seeds are used in both animal and human food. It is extracted to produce a salad oil...

Northern SA Walking Safaris

...Guests will follow animal trails on foot through pristine bushveld with an experienced guide, where they will be able to see rhino, elephant, zebra, hyena, antelope, buffalo and other wildlife.Desert RoutesGuests on a walking safari in Kgalagadi Transfrontier..

Martial Eagle

...The female leaves the nest to feed and is not usually fed by the male. The incubation period is probably about 45 days. The chick is very weak and feeble when first hatched, but becomes more active after about twenty days...

Phepô ya Dipodi mo Mafulong

...lekaneng mme o nne kgwethe ya minerale e e boleta, eseng e e tiileng.Phepô ya Dipotsane mo Mafulong©Marinda LouwGo fitlha fa ele dikgwedi di le tharo, potsane e tlile go bona motswako wa mašwi (mašwi a podi kgotsa a kgomo), matlhare a matala le creep feed..

Rainfall in South Africa

...Orographic rain is formed when moist winds are forced up the side of a mountain.High Rainfall Areas in South Africa©Eric MillerRain and water from the Drakensberg Mountains feed the arid grape growing regions along the Orange River.South Africa&rsquo..

Hemp Musi I Tshi Khou Liwa Nga Zwifuwo

...Nga Khubvumedzi 2019 ho do vha na muvhigo wa uri vha US-based Hemp Feed Coalition vha khou shuma na vha FDA-Center for Veterinary Medicine hu tshi khou itwa mushonga une wa do divhea vhukuma uri hu kone u vuliwa maraga wa u kona u shumiswa ha hemp sa..

The Kruger Park Human Connection

...The warm temperatures and regular rainfall nurtured a remarkable biodiversity, and the region supported thousands of plant and animal species. Back then, when the natural order was intact, the herds of game would drift with the seasons...

Boiketlo ba Kolobe

...E itshetlehile ka seo ho thweng ke molao-motheo wa Five Freedoms jwalokaha ho amohetswe ke Farm Animal Welfare Council, e leng bolokolohi ho nyorweng, tlala le kgaello ya phepo e nepahetseng, ho lokoloha ho se nang bobe, ho lokoloha ho bohloko, mahlaba..

Nongonoko Wo Phamela Timbuti Ta Masi

...Kukuma vuxokoxoko byotala mayelana na ku phamela swakudya ti hlanganisi na animal health technician, Dokodela wa swifuwo kumbe muphakeri wa swakudya swa swifuwo.Translated by Ike Ngobeni..

Colour in Bushveld Birds

...Colour in Bushveld BirdsColour in Bushveld BirdsSurvival Tactics©Shem CompionOne of South Africa's more colourful birds is the lilac breasted roller.In order to survive in the animal kingdom, an individual must find enough food to sustain itself..

Diving with Sharks in Umkomaas

...We’ve done our homework and know full well that the tiger’s undifferentiated, opportunistic feeding habits make underwater encounters with this animal a serious threat...

Die Varkbedryf in Suid-Afrika

...verskeidenheid proteïene om aan die armer gemeenskappe se behoeftes te voorsien geproduseer.Die wêreld se hoof Proteïenbronne©National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff, Des Moines, IA, USA.Pig production can help to address the growing demand for animal..

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