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Early Missionaries in the Richtersveld

...For both groups, the ancestors (spirits of deceased relatives) provided a link between the living and the gods (who were often depicted as half-human and half-animal)...

Umhwebo Wezingulube eNingizimu Afrika

...eziningi zamaprotheni ukuze zigcwalise izidingo ezinkulu emiphakathini emithombo empofu.Imithombo Eyinhloko Yenyama Emhlabeni©National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff, Des Moines, IA, USA.Pig production can help to address the growing demand for animal..

Basotho Religion and Beliefs

...They believe these can be cured by appeasing the spirits and restoring good relations, by sacrificing an animal, or by performing a neglected duty...

Harvesting of Freshwater Fish

...sorted in uniform sizes prior to harvest and starve the fish for 3 - 5 days prior to harvesting, sometimes even longer if the water temperature is low, slower metabolism advises Henk Stander principal technical manager of Aquaculture: Department of Animal..

Drakensberg: UNESCO World Heritage Site

...But as vast streams of lava poured out of fissures in the ground, all the animal and plant life within reach was destroyed...

Renosterveld of the Cape Fold Mountains

...Dr Anton Pauw, a specialist in the ecology and evolution of plant-animal interactions, points out that the true glory of renosterveld lies hidden beneath the shrubs...

Things to Do in Nature's Valley

...This nature conservation protects over 116 varieties of giant trees including the Outeniqua yellowwood, stink wood, iron wood, hard pear and candle wood as well as all the unique bird, animal and insect life they support...

Imifino Yomdabu yaseNingizimu Afrika

...The leaves are also eaten as vegetable and makes a good animal feed.Isitshalo sezindlubu iqabunga kanye ne-pulse kwezitshalo eziwumdabu e-Afrika...

Rihanyo ra Tinguluve

...Yi endliwe kuya hi leswi vange i Five Freedoms principle leswinga amukeriwa hi Farm Animal Welfare Council, leyi kunga ntshuxeko eka torha, ndlala na mpfumaleko wa swakudya, ntshunxeko wa ntshamiseko, ntshuxeko wa kuvava, kuvaviseka na mavabyi, ntshuxeko..

Abalone Products

...In China, abalone is known as bàoyú.Abalone Products from South AfricaThe South African abalone industry produces products of extremely high quality and is well-developed; from using advanced locally-formulated abalone feed, effective breeding..

Sea Turtles of KZN

...  But what had the greatest impact on sea turtles was the slave trade: nothing was easier or cheaper than to feed that sad human cargo with turtles and eggs loaded up from all the remote beaches and islands of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans...

Fixing Our Relationship with Food

...This could be the high street in just about any city in Africa, with hungry people bustling about on its streets, and those in the business of food setting up shop to feed their appetites...

Ditšweletšwa tša Mohlware

...Diesete tša linoleiki (omega 6) di sepediša pholo ya dintho, go okobatša thala le go hlatloša poloko ya monola ka letlalong le moriri...

Fertilisation of Pastures

... ©Wald1siedelHere pastures are fertilised with liquid manure.The aim with pasture fertilisation is to ensure that a pasture contains the nutrients needed for animal production and produces enough dry matter for feeding livestock...

Izifo ezino Bungozi kwi Hagu

...Zombini zi ‘zifo ezilawulwayo’ ngomthetho we Animal Health Act...

The Endangered Geometric Tortoise

...With the geometric tortoise, it's too late to get authentic baseline information because the animal's habitat and numbers have shrunk so dramatically that all science can do is record its current status, precipitously close to being gone forever..

K2 People of Mapungubwe

...A number of strange ‘beast burials’ containing shattered animal bones and broken pottery were also found, and they are thought to have spiritual significance. Accommodation at K2 would have been divided up according to social status...

Kuhumelerisiwa ka Tihuku ta Organic na Leti Tifambelaka

...Kuya hi milawu ya matikhomelo ya vona, tihuku hinkwato, swinga khathaleki leswaku tikuriseriwe e hokweni leyikulu, xihahlu, kumbe leti tifambafambelaka kumbe organic, tifanele tifikelela mintshuxeko ya ntlhanu leyi hlawuriweke hiva World Animal Organisation..

What Social Structure does Eland Have?

...The hierarchy is maintained by subtle ritualized threats which, if not responded to appropriately by an inferior animal, are followed through with persuasive jabs of the horns...

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