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Kruger Park: Did you Know?

...©Roger de la HarpeBlue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) also known as a brindled gnu, Kruger National Park.At last count, Kruger was home to 1 982 species of plants, 517 of birds, 52 of fish, 35 of amphibians, 119 of reptiles and 147 of mammals..


...It is these characteristics that keep these large birds close to their roosts.Cormorant DietFound in both fresh and salt water, their diet consists mostly of fish, but small amphibians and crustaceans are also consumed.Cormorant BreedingCormorants nest..

Coffee Bay Untamed Paradise

...Xhosa mythology tells a romantic tale of sea people, a beautiful Xhosa maiden and a giant fish that battered its way headfirst through the wall of rock to create the Hole in the Wall that allowed them to escape to sea with the Xhosa girl...

Key Attractions in East London

...The East London Museum is home to a fascinating specimen of preserved coelacanth, a fish that was thought to be extinct for 70 million years...

Beauty of Mpumalanga

...Fish, being only 30 kilometres long, but its beauty is a total contrast: rock worn down and smoothed by water, and holes carved by pebbles swirling around in small pools (known as Bourke's Luck Potholes — his 'luck' was apparently a..


...The latex exuded by the under bark is poisonous and is thus used on arrow heads and as fish poison...


...Ke national-fish ya Afrika Borwa. Galjoen e banded e nnye. E bonwa mo metsing a matsubutsubu (turbulent) a lewatle, gaufi le mafika kgotsa mafelo a matlapana. Ena le Matla a magolo a go thuma...

Things to Do in Mtunzini

...There are some spots where you can fish, and the Indian Ocean makes swimming a fun and warm activity. The beach is surrounded by sand dunes, so dune surfing is a must for those wanting a bit of adventure...

Kruger Park Natural Heritage Sites

...In the dry season, fish get trapped in the isolated pools. It is located near Shingwedzi.By David Fleminger..

Exploring Elands Bay

...As the estuary seldom breaks through to the sea, this results in increased siltation (leading to flooding), the expansion of reed beds and an increase in salinity, which affects the plant and fish community...

The San People of South Africa

...The ancestors of the San lived mainly by gathering plants, hunting larger animals and trapping smaller game. At the coast, people also relied on food from the sea - fish, shellfish and marine animals...

Snake Eagles

...These eagles do take prey other than snakes including lizards, rodents, insects, birds and even fish and these items may be stored in the crop...

Nature in Baviaanskloof

...At last count there were some 50 species of larger mammals, 310 of birds, 56 of reptiles, 55 of butterflies and 15 of fish. The Baviaanskloof also contains elements of seven different biomes...

Activities in Cape Agulhas and Struis Bay

...Angling is a popular pastime in Struis Bay, and can be done from either a boat or the beach. Big game fish like yellowtail, steenbras, black and striped marlin roam the waters of the coast, so be sure to throw your hook in!..

The Decoration of Clay Pots

...Commonly chosen forms include flowers and fish...


...Fish and flocks of geese and ducks will be waiting for your titbits...

Robberg Peninsula History and Geography

...The peninsula has been a Protected Marine Area since 2000, which protects 12.9 km of coastline and 1.8 km out into the ocean. It is an important conservation area due to its birdlife and fish...

Thanda Safari Private Game Reserve

...©Nigel DennisMalachite Kingfisher with fish, KwaZulu Natal.The Thanda Safari Game Reserve boasts excellent game viewing opportunities of the elusive Big Five - lion, leopard, elephant, rhino and buffalo - to a wider array of other species such as..

Traditional Beliefs of the Ntwana

...Widely believed to be a Cape fish eagle, this bird is distinguishable by its red, white and black feathers...

De Hoop Nature Reserve Experience

...The main camp is set on an inlet of De Hoop Vlei: one sweep of the binoculars could take in dozens of Coots, Cormorants, Ducks, Geese, Pelicans and a pair of Fish Eagles...

Greater Kruger Prime Location

...Fish eagles, various wild buck, antelope, zebra, hippo, crocodile, hornbills, cheetahs, hyenas and other notable species surprise visitors with their presence around each corner.Intimate and Fulfilling Safari Experience©Shem CompionThe activities..

Vulawuri bya Mati

...Vulawuri bya MatiVulawuri bya Mati© Roger de la HarpeThe Gariep Dam forms the largest storage reservoir in South Africa, it supplies water to part of the Vaal, Fish and Sundays catchments as well as irrigation along the Orange River.Makume nkombo..

Requiem Sharks

...Females mate every three years.DietRequiem sharks feed on fish, seals, smaller sharks, turtles, squid and dolphins.DistributionThey can be found in tropical oceans across the world.Common SpeciesTiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)Black-tip shark (Carcharhinus..

Swiendliwa swa Tilapia na Vadyi va Tilapia

...Swin’wana leswi endliweke hi tilapia i fish-meal na fish oil...

Eastern Cape

...Here, surfers get to ride the perfect wave, anglers get to reel in a trophy fish, and sailors take advantage of the challenging wind.The Eastern Cape is a tourist haven, with many world renowned attractions taking pride of place...

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