Comrades Reunited: Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo

© Dr Peter Magubane
Comrades reunited: Oliver Tambo and Nelson Mandela meet for the first time on South African soil since Tambo’s return from 30 years of exile on 13 December 1990.

Oliver Tambo was a South African teacher, lawyer and anti-apartheid activist who went into exile in the 1960’s. He wanted to study medicine, but no university accepted black students then so opted to study mathematics and physics at the University of Fort Hare where he first met Nelson Mandela.

In 1942 he met Walter Sisulu in Johannesburg and joined a group of intellectuals (which included Nelson Mandela) who were reviving the the African National Congress (ANC). Tambo qualified as an attorney in 1952 and was approached by Mandela, who was also a qualified lawyer, to form a partnership.

They set up offices in Chancellor House in Johannesburg as the legal firm Mandela and Tambo. Tambo was in exile for 30 years travelling extensively to campaigning for the ANC and explain the apartheid situation in South Africa.

He addressed the UN in 1963 where his plea for the release of political prisoners received a standing ovation. Pictured is Oliver and Nelson meeting for the first time on South African soil since Tambo’s return from 30 years of exile on 13 December 1990.

“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.” ~ Nelson Mandela

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