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...The rams have one pair of glands, while females have two.Reedbuck DietThe reedbuck is primarily nocturnal but will feed during the day under harsh climatic conditions...

Thekô ya Tlhapi ya Ngwana

...Le tshwanetse go ka bonwa sebaka sa bonnye malatsi ale 14 pele ga tsamaiso e e rulagantsweng, go gakolola Henk Stander, molaodi-mogolo wa Aquaculture: Department of Animal Sciences at Stellenbosch University...

Insect Pests of Maize

...  Larvae feed on leaves at the top of the plant, causing characteristic damages that look like shotgun holes...

Utter Tranquility

...The Shamwari Game Reserve is constantly being hailed as one of the most supreme conservation areas in the world with the magnitude of animal and birdlife that surrounds the accommodation...

Peanuts (Groundnuts)

...  Besides this, oilcake can be used as a high protein animal feed, whereas the vines, leaves, hulls and shells also can be used as livestock feed.By Glenneis Kriel..

Farm Recordkeeping

...In the case of livestock, there should be recordkeeping of bloodlines, pest and diseases, feed types and consumption...

Ku Lawula Valala na Nawu

...Kuya hi Animal Protection Act, kova ntsena timbyana letinga leteriwa letinga tirhisiwaka kuva tihlota valala va swifuwo...


...They are pelagic spawners.FeedingSweepers feed on zooplankton and Polychaeta worms.DistributionThey can be found in all temperate and tropical oceans across the world.Common SpeciesCave sweeper - Pempheris vanicolensisDusky sweeper - Pempheris adustraSlender..

Northern Cape Province

...And finally, in the east, right up against the Free State and North West Province, you can explore the Diamond Fields, a small sub-region surrounding the mining town of Kimberley...

Idyllic Space

...Situated in the Kariega Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape, the lodge affords plentiful animal viewing opportunities, which include lion, elephant and a large variety of other game and bird species...

Southern Carmine Bee-eater

...The southern carmine bee-eater can be found hunting from the backs of large animals, using the animal as a mobile perch...

Identifikasie van die Kaapse Jakkals

...Hulle is ook aangeteken in Kimberley Thorn Bushveld, Eastern Mixed Kama Karoo en Dry Sandy Highveld Grassland, sowel as die fynbos biome van die Weskaap, wat ʼn hoër neerslag van reën en digter plantegroei het...

Weeping Boer Bean

...This affects the birds, which feed on the flowers but results in a prolonged feeding season...

Simple, Small and Intimate

...This intimate safari experience in the Balule Private Game Reserve offers guests daily game drives and bush walks with trackers who are familiar in the ancient art of observing spoor, tracks and other signs of an animal’s presence...

Bees and Their Products

... ©Andrew MandemakerMainly used by bees to feed their brood, it has been used by humans for thousands of years to sweeten food, make alcohol and is used in cosmetics, to make candles, in soaps and as medicine...

Different Pig Breeds

...As the name suggests, it is a large breed with white skin that produces large healthy litters with exceptional growth rates and feed efficiencies...

Bee-Eaters of South Africa

...As the bird's name implies, these birds are insectivores and feed primarily on flying insects with stings, like bees and wasps...


...These fish are mistaken for a stonefish and are pelagic spawners.Scorpionfish FeedingScorpionfish feed on small fish and invertebrates.DistributionThey occur in all temperate and tropical oceans across the world.Common SpeciesDevil scorpionfish Scorpaenopsis..


...Angelfish are diurnal and pelagic spawners.Angelfish FeedingAngelfish feed on zooplankton, algae and benthic invertebrates such as sponges and hydroids.DistributionThey can be found in all tropical and temperate oceans across the world.Common SpeciesRegal..

Sea Breams

...Many of the species are hermaphrodites and change sex as they mature.Sea Breams FeedingSea breams feed on various plants and hard-shelled benthic invertebrates.DistributionThey can be found in all tropical and temperate waters across the world.Common..

Hard Corals

...They reproduce by spawning.FeedingHard corals feed on zooplankton.DistributionThey can be found in all tropical and temperate oceans across the world.Common SpeciesCluster finger coral - Acropora digitiferaMushroom coral - Fungia scutariaFalse brain coral..

Sea Clams

...They are pelagic spawners, very few of which brood their eggs.DietSea clams feed on plankton by means of filter feeding.DistributionThey can be found in oceans across the world.Common SpeciesGiant clam (Tridacna maxima) Thorny oyster (Spondylus sp.)..

Soft Corals

...They reproduce by spawning.FeedingSoft corals feed on zooplankton.DistributionThey can be found in all temperate and tropical oceans across the world.Common SpeciesLobed soft coral - Sinularia heterospiculataLeather coral sp - Lobophytum spThistle soft..

Threadfin Bream

...Threadfin breams are pelagic spawners.FeedingThreadfin breams feed on small fish, crustaceans, cephalopods and worms, or polychaetes, and some are planktivores.DistributionThey can be found in all temperate and tropical oceans across the world.© Johan..

Flora and Fauna of Balule

...The subtropical Lowveld region has numerous animal, bird, tree and plant species...

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