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Scenic Mountain Passes in the Western Cape

...So, when the first national road plan was being drawn up in the 1930s, it became apparent that the old Montagu Pass, which had carried animal-powered traffic for 80 years, could not be upgraded to modern specifications...

Ka Moo Go ka Dirago Kelo ya Kgolo Hlaping

...Ditšhitišo tše di hlolwago ke batho goba diphoofolo le tšona di ka hlola kgatelelo ya maikutlo gomme ya fetela ka kgolong ye diegago, go hlaloša Henk Stander molaodimogolo wa setegeniki wa Aquaculture: Department of Animal Sciences, Stellenbosch University..

History of South African People

...But, in the caves that pock the Drakensberg's sandstone base, their shamans painted the walls with animal, human and mythical figures. This legacy of cave paintings has been called the greatest art gallery in the world...

Destination South Africa

...South Africa has a wealth of plant and animal life splayed across its variegated climactic zones. And has much to offer anyone with a deep interest in history, too...

Kotulo ya Ditlhapi sa Metsi a a Foreshe

...ga kotulo mme o bolaise ditlhapi tlala malatsi ale 3-5 pele ga kotulo, nako dingwe sebaka se se telelenyana fa themphoritšhara ya metsi ele kwa tlase, go gakolola Henk Stander, eleng molaodi-mogolo wa setegeniki wa Aquaculture: Department of Animal..

The Sobantu Floods of September 1987

...quot;) meets the Baynespruit.The Force of Water©Leoine JoubertOne of the many Sobantu residents whose home was completely lost under the flood waters of 1987.Days of steady rain saturated the catchments, spilling downhill into the streams which feed..

Informal Trading in South Africa

...Steel argues that small-scale local markets are key to a city being able to feed itself...

Mefuta ya matsopa(breed) a dikgogo tsa tlholego

...Tse dinamagadi ke bo mme ba ba siameng e le tota, mmele tsela e di elamang ka yone e nnetefatsa tsellopele ya tsone.Kgogo ya Potchefstroom KoekokKgogo ya Potchefstroom Koekok e dirilwe ka nako ya di-1950’s ke Chris Marais wa Research Institution of Animal..

Urban Based Food Insecurity

...And it isn’t something people speak about, probably because there is an element of shame in not being able to feed your family. If you’re without a house or running water, that’s a service delivery problem with the state...

Wildlife of Marion Island

...extraordinary animals is only now being understood, even as their numbers dwindle on the sharp end of long-line fishing hooks.Sub-Antarctic Seals©Leonie JoubertElephant seals on Marion Island.The largest mammal found here is the southern elephant seal, an animal..

The Urban Malnourished

...The Urban MalnourishedThe Urban MalnourishedDietary ParadoxesFirst, there was the French paradox: the world of dietary science was transfixed by the apparent enigma of how a nation could indulge in a diet high in artery-clogging animal fats, and yet stay..

South African Initiation Figures

...The tlopo, which consists of a mixture of clay and animal fat rubbed into the head and shaped into a helmet-like structure, appears to have strong associations with notions of fertility and therefore with the continuity of the group...

Food Gardens for the Urban Poor

...But without a tap near the beds, and with the blind eye of the shut-off trickle-feed metering system sticking to its own unblinking mandate, watering vegetables becomes a tad more complicated that just pointing the nozzle of a hosepipe at them and turning..

Maitshwaro a a Bophepa mo Tsamaisong ya Kalafo ya Dikgogo

...Lekgotlha la World Organisation of Animal Health le rotloetsa bagwebi ba dikgogo go phepafatsa mafelo a ditlametlo tsa bone ka dibolaya megare go koba ditshenekegi tse di tsholang bolwetse, jaaka dintshi, dinta, mafele le tse dingwe, ka bonako morago..

Real Life Story: A Squatter Camp Resident

...Her father was sickly by the time the family moved to Kimberley, and she took a job selling milk in a local dairy...

Youth of Soweto

...Essential services in the city had ground to a halt, with garbage lining every street, sometimes standing two metres high and littered with reeking, decaying animal carcasses...

Tracking an Elusive Pangolin

...William took a walkie-talkie from the console and set off following the spoor, while Jolyon and I drove in a square pattern to see whether the animal had crossed up ahead.A Promising Burrow©Nigel DennisPangolin.A call came through on the walkie-talkie..

Nhlata Wobasa

...makumu ka mihlata na matluka swinga dyiwa tani hi matsavu Matshindi yakona yanga nyikiwa swiharhi swidya Mihlata yinga tirhisiwa ku endla xinkwa, swo baka hiswona, machipisi, jamu na juziSwitsotswana na MavabyiSwitsotswanaSweet potato weevilAdult weevils feed..

Real Life Story: Born on the Wrong Side of the Tracks

...The glinting steel arteries that oxygenated De Aar’s economy for decades still run through the town, but their chugging locomotives do not stop as often as before to feed the town the lifeblood they once did...

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