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Heat Stress in Pigs

...Alltech suggests farmers keep the feed fresh, reduce the crude protein content of the feed, use fat and oil for instant energy, increase the nutrient density of feed or give the pigs wet feed to encourage intake...

Baobab Tree

...It is estimated that it takes 8 to 23 years before the baobab can produce seeds and the mature plant can produce more than 30 kg of fruits...

Evil Medlar Fruit - High in Vitamin C

...It is not easy to grow wild medlar from seeds, but sowing the seeds in November has a better germination rate than sowing it in June. Soak the seeds before planting...

Feeding Facilities Required for Dairy Cows

...A TMR is a method of feeding cows that combines forage, grain, protein feeds, minerals, vitamins and feed additives into a single feed mixture. Animals are grouped and fed according to their production stages...

Economic Decisions of a Poor Farmer

...They had been building up the flock for a while, investing a chunk of the budget into animal feed. One night, in mid-July, they heard a lamb crying out...


...They often become dull in colour nocturnally and are pelagic spawners.Butterflyfish FeedingButterflyfish feed on coral polyps, fish eggs, small invertebrates and algae. Others solely feed on plankton...

Ka Moo Go ka Dirago Kelo ya Kgolo Hlapin

...Sekai: 483 g x 3 390 ya ditlhapi mo hôkông = 1 637 kg (0,483 kg x 3 390 = 1 637 kg).Balelela Feed Conversion Ratio‘Feed conversion ratio’ (FCR) ke palo ya bontlha jwa sefepi jo phologolo e bo dirisang go tlhagisa bontlha bo le..

All You Need to Know on Oxpeckers

...Only the dominant pair incubate the eggs but the other members of the flock known as ‘helpers’, help to feed the brood and remove telltale signs of the nest like egg shells and faecal sacs...

Introduction to Sustainable Rabbit Farming

...They are highly efficient converters of roughage to animal protein and can produce 2.72 kg meat on the same feed and water that a cow needs to produce just 450 gm of meat...


...The fruits or seeds are also used for the extraction of their essential oils and fatty oils that are used in both the natural medicinal market and the food processing industry...

Stress Management in Poultry

...or the feed is high in salt...

Devils Claw for Arthritis

...The black fibre of the “claw” is used in the weaving of baskets and the dried seeds can be peeled and eaten. The young fruit can be cooked as an okra-like vegetable...

Quinoa Production

...Although its seeds are not produced by a grass like wheat, for example, it is considered a ‘pseudo-grain’ because of the use of its grain-like seeds...

Food Gardens for the Urban Poor

...The cost of seeds might be prohibitive...

Glossary of Rabbit Breeding Terms

...: A very good grass that can be dried into hay Feed containers: Dishes and systems used to supply feed to the cage Foster: To take surplus babies from one doe and give them to another to raise Genetics: The science of studying characteristics..

Bastaards ba Richtersveld

...Ka bo-1780, maloko mangwe a lolapa ba hudugile gape goya kwa Nokeng ya Orange, kwa ba dutseng kwa kgaolong ya Kimberly, pele ba huduga gape go batlana le lefatshe le eleng la bona...

Idliwa njani Imbuya

...Amaranth seeds can be sprouted. Rinse one tablespoon of seed and in a canning jar with a perforated lid. Rinse every eight hours. Use sprouted seeds on sandwiches and in salads...

Traceability of Goat Meat in South Africa

...Animal traceability forms the basis of sanitary control systems in the production of food of animal origin...

Imifino Yomdabu yaseNingizimu Afrika

...The leaves are also eaten as vegetable and makes a good animal feed.Isitshalo sezindlubu iqabunga kanye ne-pulse kwezitshalo eziwumdabu e-Afrika...

Common Star Chestnut

...They are dehiscent and burst open to reveal the black seeds which are embedded in long fine hairs...


...This creature is bad-tempered, locking its dorsal spine in place when threatened or attacked.FeedingTriggerfish feed on bottom-dwelling crustaceans, molluscs, sea urchins and other echinoderms, and some feed on plankton.DistributionThey can be found in..

Fynbos on Fire

...Heat from the fire breaks the seed casings and triggers growth - ethylene and ammonia in smoke stimulate some seeds to germinate...

Collectable Animal Ceramic Urn

...Collectable Animal Ceramic UrnCollectable Animal Ceramic UrnA Tale of Three CountriesThis exquisite klipspringer urn is a unique piece of African collaboration, a joining of multiple crafts spanning three southern African countries and perspectives...

What is Food Security?

...There have been several cases of yellow maize being handed out as a form of food aid but to communities who traditionally eat white maize, and see yellow maize as only good for animal feed...

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