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Sunflowers as Animal Feed

...Sunflowers as Animal FeedSunflowers as Animal FeedField Crops in South AfricaSunflower seeds (both hulled seeds or whole) are used as bird food, the oil cake leftover from the oil extraction process is used as animal feed and the green plant made into..

Hemp as Animal Feed

...The study suggests that the value of hemp as animal feed for livestock lies in the nutritional content of hemp seeds, especially when leaf production is limited...

Carob as Animal Feed

...Do not feed to chickens. Whole pods (and very hard seeds) should be crushed in a hammermill. Carob seeds are extremely hard and unless ground before feeding, may pass undigested through the animal’s digestive tract...

Uses of Sunflowers

...Sunflower seeds are eaten as a snack by humans and birds, seeds are crushed to extract oil (for both biofuel and food oil) with the byproducts used for animal feed...

Carob: Underutilised Food Tree

...The pods are used as a chocolate substitute and animal feed while the seeds are ground and used as a thickening agent.It produces 13 - 30 cm long flat leathery seedpods with a sweet chocolatey pulp and gum, containing bean-like seeds...

What is Pearl Millet?

...The seeds can be eaten as a cooked grain, used to brew beer or ground into a flour. As an animal feed, pearl millet is grown to produce silage, hay or directly grazed when green...

Bambara Groundnut

...Bambara groundnut is grown primarily for its seeds, which are used as a food, in traditional ceremonies (such as funerals) and gift exchanges. Mature, dry seeds are boiled and eaten as a pulse, ground into flour and as an animal feed...

Buckwheat Production

...It is cultivated for its tiny triangular seeds for human consumption, as animal feed, and as a cover crop...

Legumes as Pasture Crops

...Legumes in the feed mix of lactating animals can increase the vitamin A and E and calcium intake of the animal and may increase the fat content in milk and overall milk quality compared to grass-only forages...

Spider Plant: Food and Plant Protector

...The remaining seed cake can be used for animal feed. Whole seeds are fed to chickens and other birds. Cows, horses and wild game animals graze on wild-growing spider plants and the leaves can be fed to livestock as forage...


...Cowpeas are high in iron (Fe), potassium (P), vitamin B9, it is rich in fiber, protein (up to 24%), low in fat and high in various amino acids.Cowpeas for Animal FeedCowpeas are also planted as animal feed - such as hay production and to make silage...

Feeding of Sheep

...Contact an animal nutritionist or animal feed supplier for advice on specific feeding requirements.By Marinda Louw..

Hemp Production

...It is a versatile plant grown for its fibre and seeds. Hemp fibre is used for making textiles, paper, rope, insulation and biofuel while hemp seeds are used for human and animal food...

Kei Apple Fruit - Juicy Fruit and Thorny Border

...Unripe fruit can be pickled and leaves make good animal feed. The fruit ripens from August to October and is best harvested in clusters. A knife is used to prevent tearing of the skins...

Sunflower Production

...feed formulations...

Soybean Production

... Soybeans are known for their wide range of uses for commercial and industrial purposes.Its high protein content makes it a perfect dairy and meat substitute and valuable animal feed ingredient...

Gluten Free Amaranth

...The leaves and the seeds are used for human consumption, but the whole plant can be used for animal feed. The green types are less bitter than the reddish ones...

Natal Mahogany

...A variety of animals feed on the flowers and fruits of the mahogany tree.Monkeys eat its flowers, whereas baboons and antelope feed on its fruit. The seeds are eaten by certain birds...

How Do Tree Squirrels Feed?

...How Do Tree Squirrels Feed?How Do Tree Squirrels Feed?Up and Down©Roger de la HarpeAlthough squirrels nest and overnight in trees, they are as much terrestrial (ground-dwelling) as they are arboreal (tree-dwelling) when it comes to foraging...

Feeding Goats on Pasture

...For more information on feeding your goats contact your animal health technician, veterinarian or animal feed supplier.By Marinda Louw..

How to Plant Indigenous Vegetables

...If a farmer has a kraal, it is an easy and cost-effective way to use animal manure to make compost to fertilise vegetable gardens. How to make and apply farmyard manure: Collect animal dung from the kraal...

Pumpkin and Hubbard Squash

...Pumpkins and squash also provide good feed for animals, as at times farmers use part of this crop, that is not suitable for sale, for animal feed.Soil Requirements and PreparationA sandy to loam soil is best...

How to Start Crop Farming: A Short Guide

...For example, sorghum and millet are drought-resistant crops suitable for human and animal feed, while humid climates will favour banana and sugar cane production...

Maize as Animal Feed

...©Glenneis KrielThe poultry industry is the largest consumer of animal feed in South Africa.Raw StockFarmers may harvest their maize and sell it to feed mills, which will process and mix the maize into commercial animal feeds aimed at the poultry,..

Cotton Production

...The cottonseed is used for oil and animal feed while waste products of the cotton industry can be used in industries as diverse as medical (X-rays), fishing (fishing nets) and paper (banknotes)...

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