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Mpongo Private Game Reserve Accommodation

...With East London only 35 km away, you can opt to take a trip to the city, or head out for a day to one of the many beautiful white sandy beaches along the East Coast. ..


...Randfontein and its surrounding area’s existence dates to the 1550s when the Ndebele lived at Emhlangeni (now the suburb of Mohlakeng) under King Mhlanga until 1580...

St Lucia: The Town in a Park

...St Lucia: The Town in a ParkSt Lucia: The Town in a ParkSlap in the MiddleThere are many facets to the iSimangaliso Wetland Park in KwaZulu-Natal, and it's far from your average wild bush game reserve...

Parsley Tree

...The leaves have a parsley smell hence the name.Parsley Tree fruit.Common NamesHeteromorpha arborescens (syn...

Bruce Jack

...Bruce JackBruce JackCellarmasters in the KitchenBruce Jack is the universal man of modern Cape winemaking...

Sun City Resort Accommodation

...For the finishing touch there's the 'safari experience in the adjoining Pilanesberg National Park, a mere 4km from Sun City Resort...

Garlic Planting

...The planted garlic cloves will use the reserves within the clove to push its first roots and sprout the first leaves...


...Boars only interact with sows during the mating period and are uninvolved with the rearing of the piglets. Bots boars and sows have more than a singular mating partner...

Side-striped Jackal

...They rarely hunt for large prey in the wild and therefore do not pose a threat to stock farmers in the region unlike the black-backed jackal...

Kruger National Park Heritage Site Shops and Windmills

...It was part of the footpath that ran from his base at Magashula's Kraal to Delagoa Bay. The ruins of the store were destroyed in 1969 during the construction of the tar road from Lower Sabie to Crocodile Bridge...

Imports and Exports of Goat Meat

...In reverse, the export of live goats must comply with import permits from the importing country...

Milking of Dairy Goats

...Goat milk production peaks in the first month or two after kidding. Colostrum, the first milk from the udder, is vital for the baby goat’s immune system...

Basil 'Mannenberg' Coetzee

...His distinctive tenor sound and commitment to his Cape roots made him one of the most well-known musicians from the Cape Jazz scene...

Temperature and Crops

...The insect carrying and distributing the virus cannot survive high temperatures and it appears that the scorching hot, dry berg winds of the Western and Eastern Cape citrus growing areas are probably the reason for the absence of greening disease in these..

South African History

...It is the conventional wisdom that the Zulu War of 1879 consisted of one huge victory for the Zulu forces at Isandlwana followed by swift retribution by the British at Gingindlovu, with a few minor skirmishes in-between...

Cape Wolf Snake

...The Cape wolf snake is distributed throughout South Africa, however, they are rarely found in the Cape Provinces.Breeding The breeding season for the Cape wolf snake in South Africa is during the summer...

Yellow-billed Duck

...The bill is bright yellow and the eye is yellow...

Riebeek West

...The original farmhouse, school room, poultry house, coach house, dairy and stables have been restored by the owners of the farm, cement company PPC. An interesting collection of photographs is displayed in one of the outbuildings...

Kololo Game Reserve Accommodation

...Inside Kololo Game Reserve you have the freedom to walk or ride a mountain bike while exploring the trails that criss-cross the reserve...

Kruger Train on Bridge Hotel - Your Stay

...Kruger Shalati Train on the Bridge offers the most unique luxury train hotel accommodation in Kruger Park.Your RoomWatch the sunrise over the Sabie River from the comfort of your room at Kruger Shalati Train on the Bridge...


...Fertilize before planting by working the first application of fertilizer into the top15cm of the soil of the plant area.ClimateCarrots are a cool-season crop and can withstand moderate frost and is fairly adaptable to high temperatures of 28°C and higher..

Ardmore Ceramics

...The pair’s exuberant synergy was the reason for their success, being jointly awarded the prestigious Standard Bank Young Artist Award in 1990...


...That is, other than for the young woman who died in that car accident on a stormy Easter weekend in 1968, hence the popular phrase ‘The Ghost of Uniondale’...

Bronze Ducks Sculpture

...This whimsical bronze captures this process artfully, portraying the ducklings in several states of movement. Here the artist comments on the stages of preparation and growth through the use of nature's own wisdom...

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