National Symbols Timeline
South Africa
Ordinary South Africans became involved in public consultations to make and finalise the designs for our new National Symbols.
From Lt to Rt: Mandela, President De Klerk, Botha and Buthelezi.
Mid-1993 - Negotiations for the transition from apartheid to democracy was well underway at the World Trade Centre, Kempton Park.
7 September 1993 - The Multi-Party Negotiating Council appoints a National Symbols Commission
End 1993 - The Interim South African Constitution was adopted
Elections, 27 April 1994, people queuing to vote.
20 April 1994 - The New National Flag was adopted
27 April 1994 - South Africa’s First democratic elections
Nelson Mandela at the Constitution party, Fernwood 1996.
10 December 1996 - The New Constitution was signed into Law in Sharpeville
Nelson Mandela visiting orphans at a childrens home in 1997
10 October 1997 - The New National Anthem was adopted
27 April 2000 - The New Coat of Arms was adopted