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Rabbit Breeding: Bucks and Does

...When they are dry she will feed them. Does only feed twice a day; at sunrise and sunset. It is very seldom that the breeder will see the doe feeding. She likes her privacy...

Pig Breeding

...Pig BreedingPig BreedingPig Farming in South AfricaThe strategic selection of breeding material can help to upgrade a herd by, for example, increasing litter sizes, improving meat quality and output as well as the feed efficiency of animals...

Beehives for New Bee Farmers

...A hive is where the bees will live, raise new bees, keep their egg-laying queen safe and produce honey and other substances for feed...

Ku Languteriwa ka Mavabyi eka Vufuwi bya Tinhlampfi

...(A poor feed conversion is when a lot of feed is needed for fish to gain weight). Kamba swikoweto swantolovelo swa rihanyu roka ringari kahle kumbe mavabyi:Kunga tsakei swakudya.Ku loloha ka tihlampfi, tihlambela hiku nonoka kumbe ti tshama ematini...

Vulture Feeding and Breeding

...They will feed right inside a carcass shearing meat from bones with powerful bills. They are extremely opportunistic and attempt to feed even while a predator is still present...

How to Farm Mussels

...The bay is perfect for mussel farming as the windy West Coast creates upwelling currents that bring in clean, cold and nutrient-rich water, on which the mussels feed...

Purple Heron

...Yellow legs, the black facial markings and its size separate this heron from the Goliath heron.Purple Heron DietThe purple heron prefers dense vegetation and rarely hunts in the open.The purple heron feeds mainly on fish but will feed on small mammals..

Pig Skin Problems - Pig Diseases

...Ask advice from a veterinarian or animal health technician for recommendations on which product to use and how to use it. A vaccine exists which can be used to prevent outbreaks...

Golf in South Africa

...The first national championship was held in Kimberley in 1892, and the first Open Championship held in Port Elizabeth in 1903. The South African Golf Union was established in 1910, and the South African Ladies Golf Union in 1914...

Ikhambo Ngekoloyi e-Vredefort Dome

...Ngemva kwamakhilomitha angaba yi-20kms, kunokuhlukana hlangana kwe-N1 ne-N12 (okutshwayelwe i-Potch ne-Kimberley). Thatha i-N12 utjhingele ngemipomporimeni yemibundu emakhilomitha angaba yi-100km...

I-Boer Pimpernel ye-Vredefort

...Amadayimani atholwa e-Kimberley ngeminyaka yabo 1860s begodu inturhu yokuthoma yama- Anglo-Boer yaqubuka ngonyaka ka 1880 (ukudubula kokuthoma kwabethwa e- Potchefstroom) kwaphela ngonyaka olandelako ngokobana kuthumbe ama-boers...

The Plight of Farm Labourers

...“I live by the cycle of planting, growth, harvesting and then re-working the land.”Nongakaninani Klaas©Tracey Derrick“ Show me any kind of fruit tree and I can prune it for you and pick it and feed it.”Mzwakhe Mngxuma©Tracey DerrickThis work..


...  For long-term production sustainability, farmers are encouraged to produce these crops in rotation with wheat, canola, oats, ground nuts and other feed and cash crops, depending on the production region, market opportunities and farming system..

Ku Lawuriwa ka Nguluve ya Xisati na Nana

...Swikahle ku phamela nguluve leyi mamisaka ‘lactating sow feed’ naswona yotala swinene – 6kg hi siku kutlula hintolovelo. Nguluve leyi mamisakaayifanelanga yitwa ndlala...


...A variety of animal species find shelter here, including the klipspringer, grey rhebuck, numerous small rodents and the elusive leopard...

History of Somerset East

...The area was first visited in the late 1700s by Anders Sparrman, a Swedish botanist who wrote in his journal about the beauty of the landscape and the wealth of animal, bird and plant life...

Guardians and Predation Management

...While they should know their master, it should be imprinted on the animal that it is to guard the livestock and not the homestead, farmyard or its people...

Art in Cape Town

...Art has been part of South Africa’s rich and tumultuous history since the dawn of mankind - think back to the San people who locked their lives into the rock walls of their homes with animal blood...

Kariega Game Reserve

...With a focus on animal preservation, this unique reserve holds five different eco-systems to explore and discover. This includes valley bushveld, savannah grasslands, fynbos, riverine forests and acacia woodland...

Geology of Fraserburg

...A lowland floodplain and meandering rivers used to be part of the Karoo ecosystem, but as it dried it left sediment with various plant and animal remains coming to the surface...

Corchorus ja Jew's Mallow

...Gape e ralokile tema go setšong sa Jewish sa kgalekgale ka ge leina la ‘Jew's Mallow'.Sebjalo se tsebjega mo Afrika Borwa bjalo ka naga, wilde jute (Seafrikanse), thelele (Sepedi), delele (Tshivenda), gushe goba sethokgwa sa okra morogo, e hwetšagala..


...The Burchell’s zebra is also the national animal of Botswana and appears the country’s coat of arms...


...©Jacques MaraisThe scenic Gamkaskloof Valley is perfect for mountain biking, animal spotting and bird watching.Diverse vegetation thrives within this semi-arid landscape, with a range of biomes encompassing everything from Karroid ecosystems and..

Steytlerville Attractions

...Enjoy classic Karoo mountain biking along smooth jeep-tracks and explore some animal tracks on Marlu's 10 km Exploration Route...

Things to Do in Hoedspruit

...©Shem CompionWhite rhino, Hoedspruit.Spend feel-good time at Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre or the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre for some fascinating insights into rare and vulnerable animal species and the efforts made to save..

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