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Umkhuhlane Wezinkukhu

...Igciwane iH5N1 laqala ukutholakala eHong Kong ngo 1997, Ngokwenhlangano yamazwe ebhekelela impilo yezilwane (World Organisation for Animal Health), igciwane liye lasabalala kwelase Asia kuya eEurope kanye neAfrica kusukela ngo 2003...


...They are considered to be the most dangerous animal in South Africa and responsible for many human deaths and injuries...

Vhuthada ha Lukanda lwa Nguluvhe - Nga u Vhaisala na nga Duvha

...Uya nga ha zwo nwaliwaho nga vha National Animal Disease Information Service (NADIS), mutakalo wa nguluvhe – mufhiso na mutsiko wa mbilu, mufhiso unga ṱanganiswa na zwinwe zwithu zwine zwa itea nga nnḓa zwine zwa nga vhanga u tsukuluwa sa u ṱavhelesa..

Go Dira Diteko tša Boleng bja Meetse Lebaka Temothuo ka Meetseng

...oksitšene, pH le amonia.Go Tšea Dišupo tša Meetse ka LetamongNako ye kaone ya go tšea dišupo tša meetse ka Kapa Bodikela e ka ba ka Dibatsela go fihla ka Pherekgong, gwa realo Henk Stander molaodimogolo wa setegeniki wa ka Aquaculture: Department of Animal..

Umgangatho Wamanzi Kulimo Lwentlanzi Kumanzi

...Ubushushu obungapha kwama 20℃ buzakwenza itrout iyeke ukukhula kwaye oku kwenze ezinye iingxaki kwimveliso, esifana nokongezeleka kwezifo nengxaki ze oxygen uyacacisa uHenk Stander oyinqnunu yomphathi kwicandelo le Aquaculture Department of Animal Sciences..

MTB in Mbombela

...Off the Bike: Mankele boasts breathtaking hikes and trail run routes, with a wealth of animal and birdlife. If you feel like a chilled afternoon, go bass fishing or river tubing, or relax around the pool and braai area.By Jacques Marais..

Mafelo a a Gaisang a Temôthuo ya Ditlhapi tsa Metsi a a Foreshe

...botlalo ya boleng jwa metsi e tlile go akaretsa go dira ditekô mo metsing go tlhola go nna teng ga dimetale tse di bokete, tse gantsi di leng kotsi go ditlhapi, go bua Henk Stander, eleng molaodi-mogolo wa botegeniki wa Aquaculture: Department of Animal..

Plettenberg Bay Activities

...The cave floor deposits have yielded the usual finds of animal bones, beads, stone and bone tools (some 3 000 objects in all), which date back at least 100 000 years...

Cold Stress in Pigs

...According to Animal Agriculture at Washington State University, pigs suffering from cold stress will huddle together or lie with their feet tucked beneath them in an attempt to get warm. They may also shiver from the cold...

Business Plans for Farmers

...Background information should also state when farming was started and provide information on general practices regarding aspects such as environment, soil health, animal husbandry, marketing and so forth...

Real Life Story: Missing Home

...Their pay cheques are often minute and their work back-breaking, but the cash they send home to their families can quite literally feed entire communities...

Mariculture in South Africa

...Kelp is used as a feed source for abalone, for biofuel and the production of plant growth stimulants, while Ulva is used as an integrated product in abalone farming for supplementary feeding of abalone.Mariculture Farming SystemsMolluscs - mussels and..

Abalone Farming Systems

...In these systems, abalone is suspended in baskets in special tanks and fed a specially-formulated diet of artificial abalone feed often combined with fresh seaweed or kelp while seawater is continuously circulated through the system...

Die Teel van Varke

...Die sog moet ook ’n breë lyf hê met baie plek vir ’n groot werpsel.Inteling©National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff, Des Moines, IA, USA.Cross-breeding may help to increase the feed efficiency and growth rate of piglets.Inteling is wanneer naby..

Monitoring Pig Health

...wrong if a sow’s udder is hard and swollen, if she does not produce sufficient or any milk or there are litter deaths.SmellUse your sense of smell to identify problems, such as poor ventilation, high levels of gasses or high or low humidity levels, bad feed..

Carob Tani hi Swakudya swa Swifuwo

...Van’wamapurasi van’wana vaphamela tihanci tavona tani hi xiphemu xa ‘cool feed’ (high fibre) kumbe ku nyika swakudya leswi ematshan’weni ya swakudya swonyanganya kufana na liquorice...

Lephalale Attractions

...Game viewing is another option to pique the interest of any animal lover. Animals that can be seen here include the waterbuck, white rhino, giraffe, zebra, eland and nyala. Predators include the leopard, brown hyena and smaller cat species...

Mushroom Production

...Not an animal and also not a plant, mushrooms belong to the fungi kingdom. Mushrooms are the fleshy bodies of fungi with a stem, cap and gills but it may also include certain types with no stem...

Wa Cape Gooseberries

...Ka morago ga puno, dithetlwa di rekwa ke dikhamphani tše kgolo tšeo di sepedišago dithetlwa e be ba di romela go mafelo a fapafapana mo lefaseng ka bophara.Tšweletšo ya Selegae©William PullesCape gooseberries di tsebiš..

Perpernel ya Maburu a Vredefort

...Di taemane di ile tsa sibollwa Kimberley dilemong tsa bo 1860 mme ntwa ya pele ya Anglo-Boer ya qhoma ka 1880 (ho etswa dithunya tsa pele Potchefstroom) me ya fela selemo hamorao ka tlholo ya Maburu...

Grasses for Pastures

...Digestibility is the amount of nutrients an animal can utilise from the pasture...

Why Do Zebras Have Stripes?

...Usually, one animal will remain standing and alert to watch for predators.By Megan Emmett..

All You Need to Know About Sea Kayaking

...  Manufacturing technology has progressed in leaps and bounds since the days of animal skin kayaks, with contemporary craft generally made up of polythene, polycarbonate or fiberglass compounds...


...They mainly feed on small antelope, but their diet extends to hyrax, monkeys, fox, fish and reptiles found in South Africa. There have been accounts of leopards living off insects and rodents when regular food sources are scarce...

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