Carrot Crop Management
Vegetable Farming in South Africa
Crop Rotation
It is advisable to rotate crops on land where carrots are produced regularly to limit infestation of soil-borne pests and diseases.
Rotates well with cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin and tomatoes. To improve the soil’s nutrient levels rotate with leguminous crops, such as peas and beans.
Yield - tonnes per hectare
Conservative: 20 tonnes
Average: 30 tonnes
Good: 40+ tonnes
Harvest carrots 12 to 14 weeks from planting, this is also dependent on the cultivar planted and the temperatures during the growing season.
Harvest by hand or can be harvested mechanically. Harvest when soil is damp. Harvest carrots when fully mature (approximately 20mm diameter) to increases shelf-life. Get the carrots into a cool shaded area after harvest.
It is best to harvest carrots as needed for consumption or selling. Remove leaves before storing, to extend shelf life. Fresh carrots, harvested when mature, will keep for up to five days at ambient temperature (20°C), and for 7 — 21 days in a cold room or refrigerator.
Nematodes, cut worms, bollworm, plusia looper and carrot fly.
Alternaria leaf blight, bacterial leaf blight and cottony rot.
Louise Brodie