Madiba le Makhenkesi Stofile lepatong la Walter Sisulu

© Dr Peter Magubane
Madiba le Makhenkesi Arnold Stofile lepatong la Walter Sisulu Orlando Stadium.
Walter Ulyate Max Sisulu ya tswetsweng ka 1912, e ne e le moetseki e mong wa Afrika-Borwa a kgahlanong le kgethollo ya molao le setho sa African National Congress (ANC). O ile a sebeletsa e le Mongodi-Kakaretso le Motlatsi wa Mopresidente wa ANC nakong ya hae le mokgatlo. Ka bomadimabe, Walter Sisulu o ile a hlokahala ka la 5 Motsheanong 2003 a le dilemo di 91, matsohong a mosadi wa hae Albertina.
Setshwantsho sena se bontsha, Nelson Mandela le Makhenkesi Arnold Stofile ka lepato la Walter Sisulu Orlando Stadium ka la 17 Motsheanong 2003. Bahlomphehi ba bangata ba ne ba eya lepatong. Sisulu o ile a patwa Croesus Cemetery e Newclare, Gauteng. Batse ba neng ba fana ka thero ena ke Thabo Mbeki, Nelson Mandela, le Moarekabishopo Desmond Tutu.

“Se ballwang ha se taba feela yah ore re phetse. Ke phapang eo re e entseng bophelong ba batho ba bang se tla hlalosa letshwao la bophelo boo re bo etetseng pele.” ~ Nelson Mandela

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