Madiba a Buisana ka Kgotso le Mokgatlo wa Inkatha Freedom Party

© Dr Peter Magubane
Moeta-pele wa ANC Nelson Mandela o kopana le moeta-pele wa Lekgotla la Matjhaba a Kopaneng, Mangosuthu Buthelezi, ho fedisa tlhodisano e sehloho ka lebaka la bonngwe ba batho ba batsho ba dipolotiki.
Pele ho ketsahalo ya dikgetho ka 1994, African National Congress (ANC) le Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) ba ne ba ikwalletse ka sehloho ka lebaka la ho hanyetsana ha malapa, kaha ditho tsa ANC e ne e le Maxhosa ka boholo-holo mme ditho tsa IFP tsona e ne e le Mazulu. Dipuo tsa Kgethollo di ile tsa lebisa ho dipolao tse susumetsang dipolotiking mme tse tebileng di arola ka hare ho motse wa batho ba batsho ba Afrika Borwa. Moeta-pele wa ANC, Nelson Mandela, o ile a kgetha ho e fedisa ka kgotso, a kopana le moeta-pele wa IFP, Mangosuthu Buthelezi, hore a buisane ka diphetoho tse kgolo tse neng di letetswe ke sechaba sa Afrika Borwa.

“Batho ba rona ba nale tokelo ya tshepo, tokelo ya bokamoso le tokelo ya bopeholo ka bo bona.” ~ Nelson Mandela

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