Kgetho ya pele ya demokrasi ya Madiba

©Dr Peter Magubane
Mandela o etsa dikgetho tsa kgetho ya pele ya demokrasi Afrika Borwa ka 27 Mmesa 1994, Inanda, KwaZulu-Natala.
Ha Nelson Mandela a kgethwa e le Mopresidente wa pele wa Afrika Borwa ka 1994, lefatshe le ile la thaba. Afrika Borwa e ile ya kenywa ka nako e ncha ya tokoloho le katleho tlasa boeta-pele ba African National Congress (ANC). ANC e tsheisitse demokrasi le ditokelo tse lekanang bakeng sa bohle ba nang le Madiba ba etellang pele mabaka a utlwahalang.
Setshwantshong sena, Nelson Mandela o thabetse ho kgetha dikgetho tsa pele tsa puso ya demokrasi Afrika Borwa. Dikgetho di ile tsa tshwarwa ka la 27 Mmesa, 1994. Nelson Mandela o ile a vouta Inanda, KwaZulu-Natal. Kgetho yohle e kenyelletsang e bile e nngwe ya dinako tse kgolo ka ho fetisisa bophelong ba Afrika Borwa.

“Kgalalelo e kgolo bophelong ha se ho hloleha, empa ho phahama nako tsohle ha o wa.” ~ Nelson Mandela

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