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Urban Food Gardens

...©Eric MillerAlthough community gardens are great initiatives, they often fail due to financial difficulties.Urban food gardens are an important way to help trickle-feed much-needed fresh produce into our kitchens...

Banded Mongoose

...When the animal is moving slowly the first toe may show in the spoor, but may not make an imprint when it is running or trotting. For the hind feet, only the first claw shows in the spoor behind the other four toes...

Early Humans of the Richtersveld

...Further testament to human habitation is also found in the form of processed animal bones, blackened hearths and a number of middens (prehistoric rubbish tips) containing human detritus, which are found with along the coast...

Umgomani Othathelanako Weenyoni

...Umhlobo we-H5N1 strain watholakala khokuthoma e-Hong Kong ngo-1997, ngokuya ngehlangano etjheje zepilo eenlwanini i-World Organisation for Animal Health, warhatjheka ukusuka e-Asia ukuya e-Europe ne-Afrika ukusuka ngomnyaka we-2003...

Velprobleme by Varke - Besering en Sonbrand

...As varke nie betyds behandel word nie kan hulle van hitteuitputting doodgaan.Volgens ’n artikel van NADIS (National Animal Disease Information Service), Pig Health – Sunburn and heat stroke/heat stress, kan sonbrand met ander velprobleme wat die vel rooi..

What is Temperature?

...It creates human comfort or discomfort (and a need for heating or cooling), determines crop and animal responses, the occurrence of pests and diseases as well as rates of evaporation and transpiration (moisture loss by leaves).How is Temperature MeasuredA..

Do All Hyenas Have Male Genitals?

...The penis-like organ develops due to exposure to high androgen levels in the womb and female hyenas possess much higher testosterone levels than one would expect of a female animal...

National Park Near Cradock

...copy;Marinda LouwOn your hike or drive through the Mountain Zebra National Park, you'll spot herds of antelopes such as Gnu.The Mountain Zebra National Park offers tourists various hiking and running trails that allows for beautiful nature scenery and animal-spotting..


...Their dewclaws are clearly imprinted in their spoors.Field NotesThis animal is one of the most hunted prey in the African savanna, as a variety of predators prey on fully grown warthogs and their young...

Ku Kamberiwa ka Khwalithi ya Mati eka Vufuwi bya Swalematini

...ammonia.Ndlela yo teka Swikombiso swa Mati yale Dan’winiNkarhi wakahle waku teka swikombiso swa mati exifundzheni xa Western Cape kuva kusukela eka November kuya eka January, kuya hi Henk Stander mininjhere nkulu wa swa vuthekiniki e Aquaculture: Department of Animal..

Canola Production

...©Jean TresfonMost of South Africa's canola is produced in the Western Cape.Canola meal and oil cake, which are by-products of oil processing, are good sources of animal protein with canola grain containing 36% to 46% oil and 20% to 24% protein and..


...NyalaNyala© Nigel DennisMale nyala.NameNyala [Nyala angasii of Tragelaphus angasii] Order - Artiodactyla Family - Bovidae The common name of this antelope is derived from the traditional Zulu word for the animal, inxala.AppearanceNyala bulls..

Misty Mountain Reserve

...The reserve is also surrounded by many wild animal sanctuaries and adventurous activities including canopy tours, bungy jumping, ziplining, Segway, Tsitsikamma National Park and quad biking adventures...

Kugcinwa Kwetinkhukhu Ngaphandle NokuKhicitwa Kwenyama

...Ngoku bona kwabo, tonkhe tinkhukhu ngokuhlukana kwato nangokuhluka kwetindlela letikhuliswe kwato, kuyadzinga kutsi tivumeleke emitsetfeni lemihlanu lebekwe I (World Animal Organisation.)..

Kalahari Dreaming at Tswalu

...The diversity of habitat (and climate) has resulted in an extremely diverse animal population. There are about 80 species of mammals and approximately 240 species of birds. The open habitat makes for excellent game viewing...

Homesteads Women Fertility and the Ancestors

... ©Dr Peter MagubaneWhile many of these designs may seem abstract, most are inspired by natural forms, notably flowers and the leaves of plants like maize, which the women grow to feed their families...

Addicted to Food

...©Roger de la HarpeFood like this, high in fats and sugar, feed the reward centre of the brain, making it addictive...

African Weeping-wattle

...Nectar loving insects such as bees visit the tree when it’s in flower as do insectivorous birds which feed on the insects.  The pod is a woody tear-shape with a bulge where the seed sits in the middle...

Ground Hornbills

...The chicks only start to feed themselves at 6 to 12 months old but are supplementary fed by the members of the flock for two years at which point their development is far enough advanced for them to become helpers themselves.Quite Endangered ©Shem..

How to Grow Cowpeas

...machinery can be used to thresh cowpeas, but the pods can also be put into a bag and then trampled or beaten with a stick to separate the seeds from the pods.Marketing of CowpeasCowpeas can be sold to grain cooperatives, seed merchants, fellow farmers or to animal..

Animal Behaviour in Global Warming

...Animal Behaviour in Global WarmingAnimal Behaviour in Global WarmingImpending Extinction©Shem CompionInsects have the best ability to adapt to climate change.Insects have been referred to as the 'sleeping giants' of climate change because..

Ukuzala Kwezingulube - eNingizimu Afrika

...Okuhlwanyelayo kufanele kube nomzimba ojulile ngekamelo lensimbi enkulu.Ukuzalanisa Phakathi©National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff, Des Moines, IA, USA.Cross-breeding may help to increase the feed efficiency and growth rate of piglets.Ukuzalanisa..

The Legendary Joao Albasini

...To feed his guests and the native porters, Albasini started cultivating crops and hunted lots of game...

Malao a diruiwa tša maphego

...Ditlakala di swanetše go swarwa ka tshwanelo le sepedišwa go efoga dikotsi tša maphelo go diotli goba batho...

The Boer Pimpernel of Vredefort

... ©David FlemingerDiamonds were discovered in Kimberley in the 1860s and the first Anglo-Boer War broke out in 1880 (with the first shots being fired in Potchefstroom) and ended a year later in victory for the boers...

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