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Pasture Management

...Apart from adequate planning to maximize quality and production of pastures, it is essential to use management practices suited to the type of crop, the livestock you need to feed as well as your farm’s soil, water availability and climate...

Ho kganna hara Vredefort Dome

...Ka mora dikhilomithara tse 20, ho na le kgethollo pakeng tsa N1 le N12 (e ngotsweng bakeng sa Potch le Kimberley). Nka N12 mme o tsamaye ka thoko ho dithaba tse ka bang dikhilomithara tse 100...


...They will rarely feed on grass, but are able to adapt their habits for survival.Bushbuck BreedingEwes are able to reproduce twice a year with a gestation period of six to seven months...

Sustainable Agriculture and Alternative Farming Systems

...‘In a forest there is no weeding, spraying of bugs, tilling and ploughing, yet it manages to feed all that live there...

Kudu Territories and Breeding

...The cows will visit the calves to feed them and keep an eye out for danger. The calves have no scent during this time and so long as they stay still and hidden, they are hard to detect by predators...

Mukhuhlwani wa tihuku

...Mavabyi ya H5N1 ya kumeke rosungula e Hong Kong hi lembe ra 1997, kuya hiva World Organisation for Animal Health, yavuye ya hangalaka kusuka e Asia kuya e Europe nale Africa kusukela hi lembe ra 2003...

Sceletium Tortuosum - Traditional Mood Enhancer

...The plant is harvested (often whole, but with roots removed), it is then crushed, put in a bag (traditionally animal skins were used) and left for a few days to ferment...

Stres by Varke weens Koue

...Volgens Animal Agriculture by die Washington State University, sal varke wat aan stres ly weens koue, saambondel of met hul pote onder hulle ingevou lê in ‘n poging om warm te bly. Hulle mag ook bewe van die koue...

Ndlela yo Byala Cowpeas

...tirhisiwa ku tshovela ti cowpeas, kambe tinyawa tinga cheriwa endzeni ka xisakani ti biwa hi nhonga kutani ku dzudzeka mbewu endzeni ka tinyawa toleto.Ku Xavisa ti CowpeasCowpeas can be sold to grain cooperatives, seed merchants, fellow farmers or to animal..

Dwarf Mongoose

...The first toe and proximal pad of the front feet show when the animal is moving slowly, but not when it is running or trotting. The hind feet have five toes each, the first being behind the other four toes and only showing its claw...

Mathata a Letlalo la Dikolobe – Dikgobalo le Phišo ya Letšatši

...Go ya ka sengwalwa sa National Animal Disease Information Service (NADIS), Pig Health – Sunburn and heat stroke/heat stress, phišo ya letšatši e ka gakantšhwa le maemo a mangwe a ka ntle ao a hlolago bohubedu bja letlalo, le maphone a letlalo go swana..

The Taung Child - Our Human Origins

...He quickly realised that this animal showed evidence of walking upright, and the teeth looked strangely human… A few months later, he published a very controversial paper in the scientific journal, Nature...

Marriage in Basotho Society

...An animal may even be slaughtered to mark the occasion, while the bride's trousseau is sent after her...

Tilapia Farming in South Africa

...Can use plant and animal nutrients for growth. Tilapia meat is white, of good quality and has been well received in the retail market. It has a versatile taste and texture and can be used in value-added products.By Nicholas James..

Housing Tips: Things to Consider

...Good housing will also improve animal comfort, reduce stress, which in turn will result in healthier pigs...


...KlipspringerKlipspringer© Nigel DennisNameKlipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus) The Klipspringer gets its name from the Afrikaans for ‘rock jumper’ which describes the animal’s ability to move freely in rocky territory, seemingly..

Heritage Sites Found in the Kruger National Park

...All foot traffic (human and animal) had to wade through the disinfectant dip before crossing the border with Mozambique. The name is a mixture of Afrikaans and XiTsonga, meaning ‘at the diptank’. Located near Shingwedzi...

Mathata a Mangwe a go Bipelwa a Dikolobe

...Go ya ka NADIS Animal Health Skills, go šuta ga ditho bo ka hlolwago ke jo ja kudu, phepo ya furu ya marega ya dijo tša monola, phepo, go se je ka swanelo, dijo tša monola wa godimo goba colitis.KalafoTaolo ye botse le taolo ya dijo tše di di jago di..

Velprobleme by Varke - Siektes

...Volgens ’n artikel van NADIS (National Animal Disease Information Service), Pig Health – Greasy Pig Disease, leef die bakterieë op die veloppervlak van varke, maar sal iets nodig hê om die siekte aan die gang te sit...

Go Dira Metsi Ditekô mo Temôthuong ya Ditshelametsing

..., pH le ammonia.Tsela ya go Sampola Metsi mo LetamongNako e e gaisang ya go tsaya disampole tsa metsi kwa Kapa Bophirima e tla nna ka Ngwanatsele go fitlha ka Ferikgong, go bua Henk Stander, molaodi-mogolo wa setegeniki wa Aquaculture: Department of Animal..

Maungo Le Merogo Ya Bobolokelwa-Motemeng

...mme a fenya moputso wa go Bonaparte ka 1810, morago ga go gatisa phitlhelelo ya gagwe moLe Livre de tous les Menages, ou l’Art de Conserver Pendant Plesieurs Annees Toutes les Substances Animales et Vegetables (The Art of Preserving All Kinds of Animal..

Global Markets Affecting Prices

...We had feed grade for our wheat.’Some You Lose, Some You WinBut just as he was lamenting having to bring in tonnes and tonnes of wheat that was only good for feeding livestock, the price began to climb because of the global shortages...

Cold Water Upwellings Explained

...Fish and whales then feast on the zooplankton, while marine mammals and birds feed on the fish...

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