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Izimiso Eziyisisekelo Zokufuya Izinkomo zobisi

...Izilwane zingabuye zithengiswe ngamanani aphezulu kunezindleko zokukhulisa.Ukukhiqiza ubisi lwezinkomo zobisi kuncike ekutheni izakhi zabo zofuzo nezimo eziphilayo zifana nekhwalithi ye-feed yabo - enomphumela omkhulu kunawo wonke.Ukondla ubisi lwezinkomo..

Identification of Honey Badger

... ©Karl SvendsenEagles, however, are scavengers, so they often feed on dead animals. During the lambing season, they may even wait for an ewe to finish lambing to scavenge the afterbirth...

Ṱhalutshedzo ya Maipfi a Zwithu zwa Mafhi

...shumiselwa u bveledza ṋama kana mafhi Dystocia – a huna ṋamana dza mupo utsa na maitele othe Early lactation – maḓuvha a u thoma a 60 nga murahu ha musi dzo beba.Estimated breeding values (EBV's) – tsumbo ya zwipuka ine ya vha ya ndeme kha dzi Gene)Feed..

Tswana Social Organisation

...The Tswana chiefs recognized by the apartheid system continue to claim that status and the right to rule their people.TotemismTotemism, the veneration of an animal, plant or object, has long been an important feature of Tswana society...

Kid-Friendly Outdoor Activities in Cape Town

...Ostrich farm in Cape Town, Western Cape.If you're travelling out towards Stellenbosch and Paarl, lookout for a variety of wild beasties, all fairly close to the N1 highway, at the Drakenstein Lion Park, Butterfly World, Le Bonheur Croc Park and Animal..


...thabeng open Knobthorn woodlands kua Kruger National Park le dipolase tša game kua Mpumalanga, Mopane le Miombo woodlands ya Northern le North-Western Provinces, gape le mafaseng a mangwe.Moo Di Hwetšago GonaDotholo di patlaladitšwe mo Afrika Borwa, game animal..

Yini Engidingekayo Ukuqala Ukugcina Izinyosi?

...Indlela Yokufunda Ukugcinwa Kwezinyosi©The Animal and Plant Health Agency, Crown CopyrightMoving hives is hard work...

Mathata a Letlalo la Kolobe - Le Kotsi le ho Cheswa ke Letsatsi

...Ho ya ka sehlooho sa National Animal Disease Information Service (NADIS), Pig Health – Sunburn and heat stroke/heat stress, ho cheswa ke letsatsi ho ka ferekanngwa le maemo a mang a ka ntle a ka nnang a etsa hore ho letlalo le be lekgubedu le ho letlalo..

History of Makhanda

...In 2013 the oldest fossil land animal from the Gondwana supercontinent was discovered near Makhanda and represents a new species of scorpion from 360 million years ago even before the era of the dinosaurs.By David Bristow..

What is the Social Structure of the Vervet Monkey?

...If a dominant animal should attack a lower ranked individual in a display of status, the subordinate will not react to the attacker but rather will vent its frustrations on an even lower ranked member of the troop...

Milking of Dairy Cows

...Provide some feed to cows for them to remain standing as the teat-ends remain open for a while after milking. This should prevent infection-causing bacteria from entering the teat opening.By Dr Carel Muller..

Should HIV-positive Mothers Breastfeed?

...option for infants, even among HIV positive mothers.What state technocrats could not have known when they were drafting this policy is what happens when a mother is sitting in a taxi with a wailing infant on her lap and people around her say, ‘Feed..

National Food Security

... ©Eric MillerLabourers on a farm picking peaches.But their survival as solid business ventures is critical to a nation’s ability to feed itself. If our farmers do not survive, we do not...

Indlela Yekukala Litubane Lekukhula kwe Mfishi

...Fananekutsi: 483 g x 3 390 timfishi letisehhokweni = 1637 kg (0,483 kg x 3 390 = 1637 kg).Bala Lenchubo Yenombolo yeKudlaLe ‘nombolo yenchubo yekudla’ – ‘feed conversion ratio’ (FCR) yinombolo yetintfo tekudla kwesilwane lesetjentiswa ekukhokheni intfo..

Indlela Yokulima i-Tilapia

...Ngendlela yokuguqulwa kokudla (FCR) yezingu-1: 1.5 ezinkampanini ezinhle, usebenzisa isibonelo se-tilapia feed ku-R12/kg, izindleko zokudla zodwa zingafinyelela ku-R18/kg nakwi-RAS eveza kakhulu.Lezi zinsuku, amakhono nezindleko zenza ukuthi i-RAS ikwazi..

How Do Dwarf Mongoose Hunt?

...This identifies them to each other and separates them from other packs.Guards ©Nigel DennisDwarf mongoose spread out when they feed but maintain contact among themselves with constant ‘peeping’ noises...

Symbiotic Relationships in Birds

...As the herds move and feed, they disturb and flush out insects in the grass which the drongos catch. They perch around the feeding herbivores in between mouthfuls and wait for more insects to be flushed up...

Marula - More Than a Liqueur

...Fruit and leaves are used as animal feeds. The marula is a popular shade tree and grows easily from seed sown in washed river sand, but is very sensitive to frost...

Umkhiqizo Wezinkukhu Ezingavalelwe Nezinkukhu Zemvelo

...Ngokwekhodi Yabo Yokusebenza, zonke izinyoni, noma zikhuliswe ezindlini, amakheji, noma ngokwemvelo, kufanele zikwazi ukufinyelela ezinhlanzweni eziyisihlanu eziyisisekelo ezivezwe yiWorld Animal Organization...

Izinhlobo Zezondlo Zezimbuzi

...This makes good animal feed.Isondlo esiqoqiwe umthombo wokudla ongase wengezwe ekudleni okuyisisekelo...

Knysna's Indigenous Forest

...Animal life, as in most high forests, is limited to a few varieties of forest-dwelling antelope, numerous birds and, until recently, a lingering remnant of the herds of elephant which once frequented the area...

Kuvunwa kwe Mfishi lehlala Emantinilahlobile

...ulambisa timfishi emalanga lamatsatfu kuya kulasihlanu ngaphambi kwekuvunwa, ngalesinye sikhatsi ngetulu kwaloko umangabe simo semanti siphansi, kugaya kancane kwecwayisa Henk Stander mengeni lophetse wetebungcongcoshe we Aquaculture: Department of Animal..

What is Crop Rotation?

...Insects prefer certain plants to lay their eggs on or feed on. Insects will therefore lay their eggs on plants if they know there is food for the larva to eat as soon as it hatches...

Kruger Park's Small Beasties to Avoid

...But please do not feed the primates!..

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