Madiba and Professor Harry Seftel
Madiba and Professor Harry Seftel in Johannesburg. Seftel spent more than 50 years in the Department of Medicine at the University of Witwatersrand as a student, clinician, teacher, researcher and administrator.
Prof Harry Seftel spent more than 50 years in the Department of Medicine at the University of Witwatersrand as a student, clinician, teacher, researcher and administrator. Madiba and Prof Seftel were friends from their university days at Witwatersrand University.
While in prison, Mandela listened to his daily radio broadcasts on health every morning, had taken his advice and reduced his salt intake. It was a jubilant day when they met again after Madiba’s release.
“You will achieve more in this world through acts of mercy than you will through acts of retribution.” ~ Nelson Mandela
An emotional Brenda Fassie, South African pop diva, embraces Mandela....
Nelson Mandela returned to his home in Soweto after his release from prison in 1990. Nelson grew up in No. 8115 Vilakazi Street and has sinc...
Madiba laughs as his shoe comes off while kicking a soccer ball....
Mandela and other activists had an array of supporters that came to the court each time defendants were summoned. Pictured is a young Madiba...