Common family name
Scientific name
Flutemouths measure 70cm on average, but can be as long as 1.8m.
A flutemouth has a very long, thin, square-shaped body that narrows towards the ends. As its name suggests, its mouth is shaped like a flute. Its caudal fin has a distinct fork shape with a long filament in the center. Its dorsal and anal fins are similar and located at opposite sides. Flutemouth are normally silver in colour with a lighter underside.
General Info
The flutemouth belongs to the Fistulariidae family which comprises of one genus and four species. These fish can change in colour to camouflage and ward off predators. They are normally brown with silver stripes and are pelagic spawners.
Flutemouths feed on small fish and crustaceans by sucking them in.
They can be found in all tropical and temperate oceans across the world.
© Johan Boshoff