Electric Ray
Common family name
Electric ray
Others in family
Torpedo rays
Scientific name
Electric rays can reach lengths of up to 1 m.
The eagle ray has a disc-shaped, flat body with thick edges and a distinct caudal fin. Its dorsal fins are two different sizes. They vary in colour from a brownish-grey to beige and marble-brown.
General Info
The electric ray belongs to the Torpedinidae family which comprises of two genera and 14 species. Their electric organ is formed of electro-plaques which stores electricity in tissues, similar to the workings of a battery.
This electric organ is located on the side of the electric ray’s head and is kidney-shaped. Its shocks can be up to 220V strong. They are not very active creatures and hunt in groups by stunning their prey. They are ovoviviparous, thus their young are fully developed at birth from eggs.
Electric rays feed on small fish and invertebrates.
They can be found in temperate and tropical oceans across the world.
Common Species
Black-spotted torpedo ray - Torpedo fuscomaculata
Atlantic torpedo ray - Torpedo nobiliana
Marbled electric ray - Torpedo sinuspersici