Vaccination Programmes for Goats
Goat Farming in South Africa

Goats can be vaccinated at various stages throughout their development to protect against diseases and infestations. Read the instructions and follow the recommendations of the medicine manufacturer. Pay special attention when using vaccines in pregnant goats.
©Susan Schoenian University of Maryland Extension
Oral dosing syringes for goats.

Medicines for Goats

©Susan Schoenian University of Maryland Extension
An injection against orf.

Medicines for vaccines and treatment of goat diseases should be used according to the instructions on the leaflet. If the correct procedure is not followed, the medicine may not work. Make sure the medicine is specifically for the use on goats and not, for example, for chickens. Ensure an animal receives the correct dose of a medicine.

The dose may be determined by the size and weight of the goat. To be effective, some medicines may need to be given more than once, while others only need to be used once.

Different medicines also need to be administered in different ways - drenching (by mouth), by injection under the skin or into muscles, by application to a small area, by pouring over the skin or by dipping the animal. Make sure medicine is administered by the correct method. Check the expiry date of the medicine. If the medicine is past the expiry date it may not be effective.

Store medicine in a cool area out of reach of children or animals. Use a disposable syringe and needle only once, then discard them in an empty cold drink can. When it is full, ask an animal health technician to take it away to destroy it. Do not use the same needle on different animals.

For the medicine to be effective, it must spread through the goat's body and will be present in body fluids, including the milk. Read the instructions to determine how many days to wait before you may slaughter the animal for meat or use its milk.

Vaccination Programme for Goat Kids

The following schedule should be seen as a guide only. Consult a veterinarian for a specific immunization programme for your goats. Kids - within the first week of life: vaccinate against heartwater (consult your local veterinarian).

Kids - from 2 weeks of age: vaccinate against Pasteurella. Vaccinate twice, 4 weeks apart. Kids - before weaning (at 2 to 5 months of age): vaccinate against pulpy kidney, Pasteurella and back quarter. Kids - at 6 months of age: vaccinate against bluetongue (3 vaccines, 3 weeks apart), pulpy kidney, black quarter, anthrax.

Vaccination Programme for Does and Rams

April to May: vaccinate adult female and male goats (does and rams) against Pasteurella. Spring (August - September in South Africa): vaccinate does and rams against bluetongue. This should be done nine weeks before breeding for does but only after breeding for rams.

For bluetongue, the dosage is three vaccines, three weeks apart. August - September in South Africa: vaccinate against pulpy kidney, black quarter (four weeks before shearing in Angora goats) and anthrax (four weeks before shearing in Angora goats). Does - before the breeding season: vaccinate against enzootic abortion caused by Chlamydia (4 to 6 weeks before breeding).

Does - before the kidding season: vaccinate against blue udder (6 - 8 weeks and 2 - 4 weeks before kidding) Also vaccinate against tetanus (6 - 8 weeks and 2 - 4 weeks before kidding) and orf (4 weeks before kidding, if indicated) Please note: Information is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment offered by your veterinarian.

By Goatkeepers' Animal Health Care Manual