
© Shem Compion


Whales (Cetacea)

Others in Order

Right whale, Minke whale, Bryde’s whale, Blue whale, Gray whale and Pygmy whale.


Whales can measure up to 34 m in length.


Large, streamlined bodies. Fins and body size differ across the suborder. Colouration differs from light grey, blue to black and white. Largest mammals in the ocean.

Whales General Info

Cetacea order consists of 3 suborders, of which 1 is extinct, and 88 species. Includes baleen and toothed whales. Mammals. Studies have shown that whales are not immune to decompression sickness.

Behaviour such as breaching, tail slapping and spy hopping is seen. Tails or flukes are horizontal in water and are used for propulsion. Most have dorsal fins. Baleen whales have two blowholes, toothed whales have one. Viviparous – live bearers.

Whales Feeding

Toothed whales feed on other marine mammals and fish. Baleen whales feed on plankton.


Whales occur in all oceans of the world.

Common species

Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
Southern right whale (Eubalaena australis)
Killer whale (Orcinus orca)