Field Crops in South Africa
Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) are a summer-growing oilseed crop, mainly planted in the free State and North West provinces in South Africa. Despite the most important oilseed plant in South Africa, the country is an importer of sunflower products.
Sunflowers in Potchefstroom, at the Agricultural Research Council's Oil and Protein Seeds research farm.
Products made from sunflowers are mainly oil, but it is also used for its seeds, both for human consumption as well as for animals, fuel and as ornamental plants. Oilseed cake, resulting from the oil extraction process is an important protein supplement in dairy cattle rations or chicken feed.
This range of articles provides a broad overview of sunflower farming in South Africa, its uses and general aspects of the production thereof.
By Marinda Louw

Sunflowers can be produced in most parts of South Africa where the annual rainfall is between 475mm and 675mm per year. However, sustainable...
There has been a positive trend during the past few years of more sunflower hectares being planted using no-tillage farming practices in the...
The production of sunflower seed is concentrated in the Free State and North West provinces which together account for around 80% of the far...
Whole sunflower heads can be shredded, dried and chopped in a hammer-mill and the sunflower plant can be used as silage for animal feeds....
In South Africa, the red sunflower and Mexican sunflower type, both native species of Mexico and introduced as ornamental species in South A...
Sunflower petal infusion can be used as a soap and as a dye and when dried, petals are used in crafts such as paper and candle making. Sunfl...