Soybeans is an annual legume crop that forms part of the oilseed family. In South Africa, soybeans are grown in the summer rainfall areas, with Mpumalanga and the Free State accounting for most of the production.
Soybeans have various uses, and have become a staple in vegan and vegetarian diets such as soymilk and tofu, which is made from soymilk. Fermented foods made from soybeans include soy sauce, fermented bean paste and tempeh.
Production has greatly increased over the past decade by an average of 15% and 20% per year between 2009 and 2019 in response to significant investments in the domestic soybean crushing capacity, according to the Bureau for Food and Agriculture Policy. It is also due to the rising demand for proteins and because soybeans produces the most protein per hectare of any other crop. It is expected to continue expanding by 2.9% per year to reach 962 thousand hectares by 2027.
South Africa Online ® provides factual information on soybean production in South Africa, as well as its local sales and uses.