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African Legend Sculpture

...The artist borrowed patterns from a leopard’s spots to enhance the animal’s trademark horns. Adding further to the theme of dress-up, the sculptor tacks up the rhino with a hot air balloon saddle carrying weary travellers...

Bronze Baboon Sculpture

...The sculptor instils thoughtfulness in his work through the baboon’s poised posture – a suggestion to appreciate the animal for what it is...

What Defence Mechanisms Do Honey Badgers Have?

...It is a relatively small animal with the temperament of a large one and even large predators would be taking a risk by trying to kill a honey badger...

Pig Farming in South Africa

...These small farmers often deal with rudimentary housing facilities and feed. South Africa Online ® essentially offers a guide to pig farming in South Africa, made up of educational agricultural material in all 11 South African languages...


...They are pelagic spawners.FeedingHawkfish feed on small fish, crabs and other crustaceans.DistributionThey can be found in all tropical and temperate oceans across the world.SpeciesFreckled hawkfish - Paracirrhites forsteriLongnose hawkfish - Oxycirrhites..

What Do Elephants Eat

...The herd will feed again during the early hours of the morning continuing until they reach the waterhole again during the heat of the day...

Winter Cereals in South Africa

...Barley is planted in South Africa for malting purposes, as its value as feed does not justify the high risks associated with production. Most of the barley is sold to one major brewery, AB InBev...

Intestinal Worms in Pigs

...The worms, which can grow as thick as a pencil and up to 400 mm in length, live in the gut of the pigs where they take feed from the pig. The worms produce huge numbers of eggs that are excreted via the faeces of infected pigs...

Bronze Black Eagle Sculpture

...Although anatomically imperfect, this bust portrays the animal’s attitude through attention to detail – the artist has focused on the eagle’s expression...

African Wildlife Bronze Sculpture

...Priced From: US$3120 Fun Springbok Fact: The Springbok is the national animal of South Africa and South Africa’s national rugby team is named after this agile creature.By Bruce Little..

Bronze Rhino Tribute Sculpture

...Buy it today and own a lasting monument to this enduring animal...

Bronze Pangolin Sculpture

...Depicting a nocturnal species famed for its protective armour, this sculpture highlights the animal’s ongoing fight for survival. Despite its defensive outer shell, the giant pangolin is increasingly threatened by poaching...

Kelp and Seaweed - Beneficial Species

...This kelp is used to make a plant growth stimulant and as feed for abalone...

Indigenous Chicken Breeds

...The birds, because they have about 30% fewer feathers than fully feathered birds, require less feed than other birds to reach the same weight and are also more heat tolerant...

Murudi ndi Mini?

...Murudi (Cleome gynandra) u dovha wa ḓivhiwa sa oorpeultjie (tshivhuru), lerotho (nga Sepedi na tshiSesotho), murudi (nga Tshivenḓa), rirudzu, bangala (Xitsonga) na Ulude (nga isiNdebele) nahone hu ambiwa uri vhubvo ha hone ndi maḓakakani a Afrika na south..

Nyala Social Relationships

...The animal that first becomes intimidated by his competitor’s good stature will break off and show his submissiveness by lowering his crest and tail and commencing feeding or grooming...

The Economically Vulnerable and Climate Change

...When the fight for life comes, the animal will start to eat itself.By Leonie Joubert..

Swiphiqo swa Nhlonge yaNguluve - Switswonga Ngati Swale Handle

...Vutisa Dokodela wa swifuwo kumbe animal health technician kuva aku nyika switirhisiwa kumbe nongonoko wotshungula.Translated by Ike Ngobeni..

Why Do Vervet Monkey's Have Colour Vision?

...The may also rise up on their hind legs in front of a sitting animal and expose the sometimes erect penis to the other’s eye-level gaze...

Wildlife Photography Tips

...Sunrise and sunset are both great time to silhouette an animal against the ‘golden light’, illuminating the subject. Midday will offer different lighting, thus enabling you to get different shots.  Get up close...

Free Range Production

...It would be too difficult to manage farm animals in a system like that, which in turn will lead to losses and animal neglect...

Spotted Thick-Toed Gecko

...It is marked on its back in four rows of blackish, elongated splotches and at times meld to form irregular crosslines.DietThey predominantly feed on spiders and small insects.BreedingFemales lay two to three clutches of hard-shelled eggs, each consisting..

Agriculture in Zoar

...In 2005, legislation was implemented that required organic farmers to use only organically produced seed to grow crops and feed livestock...

Bronze Buffalo Sculpture

...In this piece the artist seeks to shed light on the unique characteristics of this animal, demystifying its perception as docile...

Bronze Baby Elephant Sculpture

...Priced From: US$6700 Fun Elephant Fact: The upper incisors that make up an elephant's tusks continue to grow until the animal dies at roughly 60 years of age. They utilise their tusks to fight, hunt, and defend themselves...

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