Agriculture in Zoar

Organic Seed Farming

The surrounding mountains in Zoar, separate the valleys and prevents contamination from neighbouring non-organic farms.
The climate of Zoar makes it suitable even for small-scale farming.

Although the settlement of Zoar is small, it plays a large part of Kannaland’s agriculture and its economy. Whether its small-scale vegetable farming or commercial sheep farming, Zoar’s climate and soil is favourable for agriculture. 

Zoar benefits from a hot, dry climate that suits organic seed production, while the surrounding mountains that separate the valleys help prevent contamination from neighbouring non-organic farms. In 2005, legislation was implemented that required organic farmers to use only organically produced seed to grow crops and feed livestock. This, in turn, helped to boost Zoar’s economy as the Klein Karoo Organic Initiative (KKOI) came into play. The project sought to uplift the community of Zoar and ensure that citizens benefited from the new legislation. 

Further out on Route 62, you’ll also find various towns who specialise in certain agricultural practices - Calitzdorp is known for producing world-renowned port, while Ladismith is a commercial producer of cheese.

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