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Red Lionfish

...Dicile fish e sa tshosweng ha bonolo ke tse ding. Di ka fumanwa di kentse hloho dicaoleng e tsoma. Di tsoma bosiu. Di sebedisa mapheo a yona a sefuba ho pitlella phofu khoneng...


...Prized spot fish. Pelagic spawner.Kuḽele I ḽa dzinwe khovhe...

Benguela System Changes

...But meanwhile, in Mossel Bay, the sardine hauls were extraordinary, with Marine and Coastal Management reporting that the catch has “leapt up from 2 110 tons to 121 536 tons in five years”.Shifting EastMarine birds followed, tracking the fish..


...The restaurant menu reflects it too, with German specialities such as Bratwurst and Leberwurst alongside traditional South African fare like snoek (fish), springbok and lamb shank...

Architectural Gems in Cradock

...The Great Fish River Museum is housed in the former Dutch Reformed parsonage (1848) and offers a good collection of town memorabilia.Other Significant Buildings©Roger de la HarpeDie Tuishuise is a collection of 25 restored craftsmen's houses on Market..

Devil Ray

...Dijo di kenyeleta plankton le fish larvae.KaboDi fumaneha maemong ohle a lehodimo le mawatleng a tropiki lefatsheng...

Yini Ukukhiqizwa Kwezinhlanzi Ze-Ornamental?

...Ukukhiqizwa kwezinhlanzi ze-ornamental eNingizimu Afrika kuncane futhi kunomkhawulo kubalimi abambalwa, okhiqiza ama-Koich, iLake Malawi ama-cichlids, i-discus fish, i-killifish kanye ne-fishfish...

Benefits and Uses of Mushrooms

...Research showed that a 50:50 blend of mushrooms and meat (minced beef, chicken, lamb and even fish) will decrease the intake of saturated fat and increase the nutritional value of the meal without losing the meaty flavour.Mushrooms as Medicine©Marinda..

Ukuthengwa Kwezinhlanzi Ezincane

...Isibalo esiphelele nenani lezinhlanzi zibalulekile ekubikezelweni kokukhula okuzayo kanye nokubala kwezinga lokuguqulwa kokudla (FCR).I-FCR iyunithi yokudla okusetshenziselwa ukukhiqiza i-unit of fish fish...

Understanding The Rising Seas of The Cape Coast

...Biological: Shifting fish habitats and changing ocean temperatures and acidity will alter marine populations, favouring some species and proving catastrophic for others.The Hot Spots©Chris DalyKalk Bay and surrounding areas will be at risk of big..


...Dzi wela fhasi ha tshaka dza dzi pleocyemata (zwine zwa katela crabs, lobsters, cray fish na dzinwe vho). Vhunzhi hadzo dzi tshimbila nga matungo. Dza dzumbama mabakoni na milindini...


...Mahe a itshwaella dinthong tse phaphalla.DijoDi ja plankton ha dile nyane le pelagic fish and swimming crustaceans ha dile kgolo.KaboDi fumaneha maemong ohle a lehodimo le lewatleng la tropiki.Mefuta e TlwaelehilengTropical halfbeak - Tylosurus crocodilus..

Hammerhead Sharks

...E behela madinyane a 15-30.DijoE ja bony fish, skates le rays, squid le octopus, crustaceans le tse ding...


...GaljoenGaljoen© Jean TresfonIgama lomndenazo elijayelekilekoGaljoenElinye igama ebizwa ngaloBlack fish, Black breamIgama lesayensiDichistiidaeUbukhuluIngakhula beyibe masenthimitha amatjhumi abunane, ezincani khulu ngezimasenthimitha amatjhumi amane.Ikambiso..


...Di ntho tse hulwang di palama sharks, rays, turtles, bony fish, whales and dolphins. Ka nako e nngwe di fumanwa di kgomareditswe dikepeng. Di shebahala e ka di qwela di shebile ka hodimo fatshe ka lebaka la sebopeho sa hloho...

Nature's Valley Attractions

...A number of short hiking trails (2-6 km) allow you to explore the coastal bush and rocky shoreline. The heartland of the park stretches some 5 km to sea, protecting a wonderland of inter-tidal life, reef and deep-sea fish...

Places of Interest in Knysna

...Alternatively, rent a canoe and paddle out into the waters of the lagoon which are teeming with over 200 kinds of fish. The lagoon is also supports a variety of activities for swimmers, scuba divers, boaters, canoeists and snorkelers...

KZN Wild Coast to the South Coast

...Back then, the Mzimkulu was wide and deep, home to hippos and frequented by enormous shoals of king fish, salmon and turtles. Elephants drank from the stream and San lived in the caves above its banks...


...PorcupinefishPorcupinefish© Johan BoshoffDzina ḽa muṱa wo ḓoweleyahoPorcupinefishAliasBlow fish, balloonfish, globefishDzina ḽa tshisaitsiDiodontidaeTshivhumbeoU swika kha 90 cm yo linganelaho ndi 35 cm.Ṱhaluso Ina muvhili wa tshipulumbu, na ṱhoho..

Ku Kamberiwa ka Khwalithi ya Mati eka Vufuwi bya Swalematini

...Ku Kamberiwa ka Khwalithi ya Mati eka Vufuwi bya SwalematiniKu Kamberiwa ka Khwalithi ya Mati eka Vufuwi bya Swalematini© Marinda LouwKhwalithi ya mati ya damu xikan’we na laha mati ya aquaculture (freshwater fish farming) ya humaka kona ya fanele..

Springbok Routes

...Then, if you can, cross the border at Sendelingsdrift and drive up into the Namibian part of the Trans Frontier Conservation Area to visit the Ai-Ais hot springs and the Fish River Canyon...

Olive Products

...It can be flavoured with anchovies, lemon and thyme and used as a spread on bread or incorporated into fish, pasta or vegetable dishes...

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