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Mountain Zebra National Park: Karoo Shrublands

...Firstly, the stripes over the spine, from the front of the pelvis to the base of the tail, form a characteristic grid-iron pattern, and secondly, the three upper stripes on the rump are very broad and have no shadow stripes between them.By David Bristow..

History of Port Edward

...When the Zulu King found out about the massacre and the mistake made, he was horrified. He then ordered for the man who started the rumour to be executed by one of the surviving settlers...


...During the 1800s, the mighty Thukela River that languidly encircles the town formed a natural border between the Zulu Kingdom to the northeast and the then Colony of Natal to the south...

Agulhas Honeybush Tea

...The Agulhas Honeybush Tea farm began planting Honeybush tea on a main breeding plantation block on the farm. It started the testing process to determine which of the 20 Honeybush Tea species that exist preferred the climate on the farm...

Martial Eagle

...The speed of the descent is controlled by the angle at which the wings are held above the back. The martial eagle does most of its hunting aerially, soaring high in the air...

Drakensberger Cattle

...This situation was reversed thirteen years later when the breed was included in the Stock Improvement Act of 1934. Since most of the Uysbeeste was found it the pastures of the Drakensberg, the decision was then made to name the breed Drakensbergers...

Food in the Modern World

...South Africa Online ® looks at how our relationship with food has changed over the years under the influence of industrialisation and urbanisation...

South African Litchi Growers Association

...The association also functions with the intention of promoting the interests of local litchi growers and producers, while simultaneously addressing the issues that remain prevalent and common within the litchi industry...

Transport in South Africa

...  They compare with the best five-star hotel room, but the sway of the car and the hoot of the steam engine are unmatched...

Jock Waymarkers in the Kruger Park

...The final waymarker is located at a parking spot overlooking the drift of the Crocodile River on the Malelane-Crocodile Bridge road (S25)...


...Most likely the latter, as the loerie is not found in this area...

Religion and Beliefs of the Ndebele

...Failure to follow the dictates of the law and custom, as demanded by the ancestors, is believed to be the main cause of bad luck...

Emerald Dangle Ring

...Dangling at its edge is the rich green gem that’s captured the hearts of royalty. Invest in this timeless piece today.By Jewel Africa..

Orgari By Heidi Steck

...  The brand’s designs depict the majestic beauty of South African wildlife - images of the iconic baobab, acacia and coral trees are contrasted against statuesque animal figures like rhinos and elephants, which once roamed the ground beneath..

Grabouw Highlights

...Situated on the banks of the Palmiet River in a sheltered valley between the Hottentots Holland and the Groenland Mountains, the town developed around a trading store opened by Wilhelm Langschmidt in 1856...

Orange Production

...The colour orange was named after the fruit and not the other way around...

Braam van Velden

...It’s the nature of things here: the handing over of the torch to the next generation...

What Do Baboons Eat?

...This may take the form of peeling tough skin off fruit or overturning rocks in search of scorpions, insects or slugs. The fingers are nailed to assist with digging...

1902 The Kruger becomes a National Park

...1902 The Kruger becomes a National Park1902 The Kruger becomes a National ParkRecovering the Game!Under the effective leadership of James Stevenson-Hamilton, the Sabi and Shingwedzi Reserves were doing well...

Activities in Ladismith

...The Stanley’s Run route is a 24 km trail that follows a mountain track through a beautiful landscape. The event was discontinued, but hikers can still access the trail at the edge of town...

Johannesburg: Concrete Jungle

...Barely 100 years ago the first diggers' shacks were placed tentatively on the open grassy plains of the wild African veld...

Steinaecker's Horse

...The main purpose of the unit was to intercept the shipment of arms from the Dutch to the opposition in the Transvaal...

Income, Costs and Profitability of Farming

...Alternatively, by estimating enterprise profit for each of the farm enterprises and adding them up. The final income represents the profit of the whole farm...

What is Quinoa?

...The rapid increase in the popularity and demand for this forgotten grain was due to it being declared as the 'International Crop of the Year' in 2013 by the United Nations...

The Treatment Action Campaign Court Case on Access to Aids Medication

...The action, filed in the Pretoria High Court, demanded that the state make nevirapine, a registered drug, available to HIV-positive women who had their babies in public clinics and hospitals, to reduce the transmission of HIV...

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