Hartmann's Mountain Zebra
Hartmann’s mountain zebra (Equus zebra hartmannae).
The Hartmann’s mountain zebra is slightly larger in size with wider stripes than the Cape mountain zebra found in South Africa. Hartmann’s mountain zebra males weigh an average of 298 kg, while females weigh around 276 kg. Stallions over the age of 7 years can reach up to a weight of as much as 343 kg.
Hartmann’s mountain zebra males stand at a shoulder height of 1.5 m, have a tail length of 500 mm and their ears are 280 mm long. As these zebra live in mountainous areas, their hooves grow very fast to help deal with the rocky terrain.
Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra Diet
The Hartmann’s mountain zebra are known to graze in a zig-zag forward pattern along the contours of the mountain terrains found in South Africa. Like most grazers, this zebra spends most of its day eating.
Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra Breeding
Hartmann’s mountain zebra breed throughout the year, however breeding does tend to peak during the rainy season in South Africa. Males and females become sexually mature at the age of 3 years old and will start producing offspring around this time. After a gestation period of about 1 year, foals are born weighing around 25 kg. The foals have a high survival rate, as the herd are active in fending off predators.
Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra Behaviour
A population of Hartmann’s mountain zebra found in South Africa contain two social groups. These are the breeding herds and bachelor herds. A breeding herd contains one stallion with numerous mares, while the bachelor herds adhere to a distinct social hierarchy.
Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra Habitat
The Hartmann’s mountain zebra are adapted to live in rugged, mountainous escarpments found around South Africa. They prefer areas in this region with a large water supply and a variety of grasses to sustain breeding herds throughout the year.
Where they are found
The total estimated population of the Hartmann’s mountain zebra is around 13 000. These zebras can be found from the semi-arid regions of Namibia all the way up to Angola. The species is scarcely located to the North of Namibia and can also be found as far south in the Northern Province of South Africa.
Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra Life Cycle
Weaning - 10 months
Sexual Maturity - 2 years
Life span - At least 25 years
Status - The Hartman's Mountain Zebra as a species is classified as endangered, with both E. z. hartmannae and E. z. zebra falling under this same classification.
Field Notes
Many conservationists feel that the Hartmann’s mountain zebra and the Cape mountain zebra are two distinct species based on its different habitats found in South Africa. However, genetic studies prove that the two species are very closely related.

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