Kelp Gull
Ingaba ngaba
Ingaba ngaba (Ingabangaba elinentloko emnyama)
Igam lesi Latin
Larus dominicanus
60 cm
Lodwa okanye ngamaqedlana amancinci ahambe ekhangela amaxhoba asele efile elunxwemeni lolwandle, ingakumbi kwindawo ezimisa inqanawe nemikhumbi. Inqabile ukufane ibonakale kwindawo ezomileyo ezikude namanzi.
Isikhalo sentaka
Ithi xa ikhala- 'Meeu', isikhalo esilusizi. Ize xa ichukumisekile ithi 'kok-kok-kok'.
Breed on off-shore islands and at Swartklip and Rondevlei during spring and early summer, especially in October. Nests, a scrape in the soil lined with grass, feathers or twigs, containing 2 - 3 eggs varying in colour from light green to turquoise or ochre, with dark markings. Nests are sometimes found on unfrequented cliffs or flats.
Immature Description
Immatures initially mottled dark brown all over with paler barred rump (could be mistaken for a skua, but lacking white patches at primary bases); with age become paler, going through mottled brown and white stages with dark brown legs.
Adult Description
Adults have dark eyes and whitish-yellow feet.
Very common resident.
Common along the south-western Cape coast, in estuaries and on vleis that are not too far inland.

Nangona zikholwa kukutya intlanzi, amanyiki, iimolluscs, amaqanda kunye nezinye iintaka ezincinane, iiCape Gulls (Larus Vetula) zisenokutya ...