Southern SA Walking Safaris

Western Cape Treasures

©Justin Fox
Sanbona Wildlife Reserve offers breathtaking walking safaris.
©Jacques Marais
Cederberg Wilderness Area is a rugged area with small wildlife and numerous birds to see.

The Western Cape’s ecology is a bit of a dichotomy - there are parts of the coast with lush green scenery, forest and dune vegetation; there are drier, more rocky parts with a desert-like feeling, and there’s everything else in between. That is definitely the beauty of the province - it caters to any and all tourists who want to explore a part of southern South Africa’s extraordinary nature and wildlife. 

Sanbona Wildlife Reserve on the the popular Route 62 to the Karoo offers guests a beautiful wilderness walk through the fauna, flora and majestic landscapes of the Little Karoo.

An experienced ranger can accompany walkers who want a more informative and well-rounded experience, indicating points of interest while divulging important info about the area. Wildlife such as elephants and giraffes can be seen on the trail, as well as smaller animals like springbok and a range of birdlife. 

Cederberg Wilderness Area is a wild and rugged region just three hours from the city centre of Cape Town. It is one of the most undisturbed parts of the country, but its nature trails have gained extensive popularity throughout the years. Hikers will see wildlife like antelope, meerkats, bat-eared foxes and a plethora of birds. 

Eastern Cape Escape

©Roger de la Harpe
Guided walks in Shamwari Game Reserve will allow guests to see big cats, including the majestic lion.
©Roger de la Harpe
A scenic view of Shamwari Game Reserve

The Eastern Cape is blessed with unspoilt landscapes of beautiful rolling hills, lush greenery and sparse pleins. It is a premier safari destination, with various safari lodges and nature reserves scattered around the province.

Shamwari Game Reserve is the southernmost big game reserve in Africa, and offers guests a luxurious safari experience worth every penny. It stretches along the Bushman’s river, forming a natural extension to the famous Garden Route. It is located in a quiet, unspoilt space of the province, and a walking safari is a must if you want to book a safari experience. 

There are early-morning guided walks, with exciting sightings of animals that include wild cats (such as lions and wild dogs), rhinos and elephants. A plethora of bird species and some rarely seen gems, including the White-Fronted Bee Eater, will be a treat for birdwatchers.

By Carla Lottering