Seedling Growers Association of SA Membership Benefits

The Seedling Growers’ Association of South Africa (SGASA) provides concrete benefits to its members.

These benefits serve to aid Seedling Growers' Association of South Africa members in producing the highest quality products and partaking in profitable and environmentally friendly farming practices. Members of SGASA will have direct access to the association’s dynamic research programme which houses several research projects that serve to grow the seedling industry. 

The research is accurate and relevant and members receive regular updates on the progress of ongoing research as well as access to ask the SGASA research sum-committee to conduct research on particular problems.

The research projects yield information for members such as but not limited to disease and bacterial control, beneficial and sustainable farming practices and vegetable seed pathology in order to maximise members and seedling growers’ profits.

Members of SGASA receive its quarterly publication called ‘The Leaflet’ which provides research information, relevant news about the seedling growers’ industry and advertisements. The association also provides its members with access to a list of other seedling growers and suppliers through a membership directory.

Seedling Growers' Association of South Africa Members are invited to participate in local get-togethers, seminars and study groups in their respective regions and to meet and share solutions, ask questions and support each other with information.

Members are also invited to SGASA’s annual symposium to receive updates of local and international research and innovations. Seedling Growers' Association of South Africa serves to organise the seedling growing industry in lobbying on behalf of its members and industry partners.

Crop Farming in South Africa

South Africa’s agricultural sector is one of the world’s most diverse, consisting of corporate and private intensive and extensive crop ...more