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Amajuzi - Imihlobo Nokohlukaniswa Kwawo
...Imikhiqizo yamajuzi ihlukaniswa ngokuya komthamo wesithelo samambala esikhona ngaphakathi kwejuzi leyo.Ukuhlukaniswa Kwamajuzi WeentheloUkuhlukaniswa kwamajuzi weenthelo, ngokuya kwe-South
African Fruit Juice Association (SAFJA), kungalendlela elandelako..
isiNdebeleSesothoUkwenza iJuzi Ngeenthelo Nemirorho
...Ijuzi yetamati neminye imivango eyenziwe ngetamati ingaphezulu kwe-90 phesenti yerhwebo le-non-fruit juice.Ijuzi eSewula AfrikaE-Sewula Afrika, i-South
African Fruit Juice Association (SAFJA) isekela ukwenziwa nokuthuthukiswa kwe-indastri yamajuzi eSewula..
isiNdebeleBuying Dairy Cows
...If in doubt about the health
of animal, do not buy.What is the Genetic Merit
of a Dairy Cow?The genetic merit
of cows is determined by the sires used in a dairy herd. This means the quality
of a cow is determined by her parents...
EnglishCape Vidal History
...All that remains
of their mission station are the foundations
of the church, two baking ovens and two lonely graves...
EnglishIdentification of the Cape Fox
of the Cape FoxIdentification
of the Cape FoxPredation Management in Livestock FarmingWith an adult length
of 86 to 97 cm and weight
of 2,5 kg to 4 kg, the Cape Fox (Vulpus chama), also known as the Silver Fox, is one
of the smallest canid..
EnglishHistory of Durbanville
of DurbanvilleHistory
of DurbanvilleSurrounded by FarmlandsThe history
of Durbanville dates back to the 19th century, when the Tyberg Hills became occupied by European settlers who farmed on loan from the Dutch East India Company...
EnglishRubber Euphorbia
...This tree is said to have the deadliest latex
of all the euphorbias and will irritate the skin and throat
of a person simply standing in the proximity
of a plant that is seeping latex...
EnglishBattlefields Around Vryheid
...There is a marker post about 16 km north
of Vryheid on the R33 which points toward the area, 5 km
of dirt track takes you to the site
of the British redoubt...
EnglishGraham Beck
...Having purchased the derelict farm Madeba in the semi-arid Little Karoo scrubland and then called in a fleet
of earth-moving equipment to redistribute vast amounts
of fertile topsoil swept away by the 1981 Laingsburg floods, Beck planted a range
of classic..
EnglishThings to Do in Tulbagh
...Things to Do in TulbaghThings to Do in TulbaghHiking TrailsThe Murludi Hiking Trail consists
of a range
of walking trails in the northern part
of the Tulbagh valley...
EnglishUses of Cotton
...In terms
of world production
of clothing and textile fibres, the use
of natural fibres is only 29% compared to the 41%
of manufactured textiles (2008)...
EnglishGiraffe's Explained
...Youngsters concentrate most
of their food intake on growing out
of harms way. A calf grows 1 m in the first six months
of its life and doubles that in the first year.By Megan Emmett..
EnglishTree Top Canopy Tour
...The tour consists
of 10 platforms and 10 slides, the longest
of which is 100m. The sheer beauty
of the area will entice any tourist to return time and time again...
of territorial bulls and bachelor bulls can have up to 30 members. Groups
of such size can be found close to water or good grazing. At the age
of a year, young bulls are expelled from the herds to form bachelor groups...
EnglishAnimal Behaviour in Global Warming
...Projecting the future distribution
of 1 103 species
of plants and animals around the globe into the mid-range predicted climate
of 2050, 15 to 35 percent
of the species were committed to extinction.Species Migration©Shem CompionArctic fox’s territories..
...BloemfonteinBloemfonteinBloemfontein, the capital city
of the Free State Province in South Africa, is a charming, medium-sized city, that lives up to its name
of 'Fountain
of Flowers'...
EnglishBakubung Bush Lodge
...Children are welcomed with open arms and receive the same level
of service as the high-profile businessmen that often make use
of the conference facilities at the lodge...
EnglishContinuity and Change
...But because they also wear long strings
of beads and other items made for adults, children may look quaintly over-dressed.The Rise and Demise
of Different Bead Types©Dr Peter MagubaneThe use
of plastic beads has become increasingly common throughout..
EnglishTable Mountain National Park
...The shores
of the Cape Peninsula are one
of the great tourist attractions
of Cape Town as well as being one
of the most spectacular sites for scuba diving. Divers will be required to hold a permit to be allowed to dive in certain MPA’s...
EnglishRecord Keeping in Rabbit Farming
...The name or number
of the buck (male rabbit) used must also be on the card. (See example
of Hutch Card). Also keep a note in the file dates
of any medical treatment given as well as dates
of toe nail clipping, ear checks and so on...
EnglishDive Spots in Shelly Beach
...This reef doesn’t have a lot
of soft coral, but palmate sea fans can be seen.
The hard types
of coral such as Whip coral, Plate coral and Porous coral are found in this area with lots
of seagrass all along the bottom...
EnglishDinokeng Game Reserve
...Here, within the expansive catchment area
of the Olifants and Limpopo Rivers, a range
of destinations entice inhabitants
of Tshwane’s metropolitan region keen on a quick weekend break...
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