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Uses of Mangoes

...For example, the outer hairy shell is removed, the kernel cooked and then sliced into slivers, fried and sprinkled with black salt.Mangoes for Animal FeedMango pips and kernels can be used for animal feed...

How to Farm Sunflowers

...This is usually used to make animal feed and low-grade fertilizer.By Marinda Louw..

Weeping Boer Bean

...Monkeys, baboons and starlings feed on the flowers, monkeys eat the seeds in the pods and birds the aril of the seeds. The leaves are browsed by game. In game reserves, one will find the black rhino feeding on the bark of the weeping boer bean...


...Oilseed cake, resulting from the oil extraction process is an important protein supplement in dairy cattle rations or chicken feed...

iCarob: Lesetjentiswa ngeSihlahla seKudla

...The pods are used as a chocolate substitute and animal feed while the seeds are ground and used as a thickening agent.Lesihlahla se carob (Ceratonia siliqua) lesiphindze satiwe ngekutsi yi St John’s Bread sihlahla lesincane kuya emkhatsini lesihlala siluhlata..

Free State Coat of Arms

...Once the flowers fall, fruit is produced in a large pink capsule which contains the seeds. The seeds are bulbous and germinate as soon as they reach the ground...

Supplementary Feeding for Goats

...For more information on feeding your goats contact your animal health technician, veterinarian or animal feed supplier.By Marinda Louw..

Feeding of Goats

...For more information on feeding your goats contact your animal health technician, veterinarian or animal feed supplier.By Marinda Louw..

Hottentots Fig

...Their seeds are disseminated through the excrement of the animals that feed on it...

Feeding Food Waste to Pigs

...©Glenneis KrielMake sure that by-products from mills do not contain any contaminents or harmful products.The best thing to do when deciding on what to feed your pigs, would be to speak to an animal nutritionist...

Fast Facts About the Vervet Monkey

...Feed in trees or on the ground.PredatorsBirds of prey, snakes especially pythons, leopard, and other medium to large carnivores, and baboonsBy Megan Emmett..

South African Indigenous Grains

...This will help farmers to gain knowledge in their mother tongue on producing indigenous grains for both human and animal feed...

Types of Feeds for Goats

...For more information on feeding your goats contact your animal health technician, veterinarian or animal feed supplier.By Marinda Louw..

How to Measure Growth Tempo in Fish

...Example: 483 g x 3 390 fish in cage = 1 637 kg (0,483 kg x 3 390 = 1 637 kg).Calculate the Feed Conversion RatioThe ‘feed conversion ratio’ (FCR) is the number of units of feed an animal uses to produce one unit of product e.g. the kg of feed..

Biosecurity for Small-herd Pig Farmers

...Des Moines, IA USA.Visitors and workers should wash hands frequently, especially after handling sick animals.Infections spread from animal to animal in different ways, but mostly by close contact or contamination of the environment...

Global Production of Cactus Pear

...  Besides this, the plants can be used as animal fodder and to make silage. Read more about this in Cactus Pear as Livestock Feed...


...Remarkably, the chicks feed exclusively on hard seeds right from hatching and are the only birds in Africa, and most of the world, to do so.By Megan Emmet..

African Grey Hornbill

...This hornbill is distinguished from other hornbills by its dark bill, with a cream stripe and the white eye stripe.African Grey Hornbill DietThe African grey hornbill feeds mostly on insects, but will feed on seeds...

South Africa National Symbols

...Blue cranes feed on insects, reptiles and seeds. They lay their eggs on the bare ground, close to water. Their habitat is open grasslands and Karoo-like plains. Blue cranes are commonly found in the Karoo, KwaZulu Natal and the Highveld...

Pig Skin Problems - More External Parasites

...They feed on dung, fresh and rotting material and may transmit diseases between pigs...

Labelling of Pork Products

...These generally relate to animal welfare, product traceability, animal health and veterinary treatments, feed and housing standards as well as transport and humane slaughter.Free Range Production©Glenneis KrielFree range and pasture reared pigs spend..

Selling Cereal Crops

...Farmers, for this reason, usually hire traders, which cost a fee, to trade on their behalf.Animal Feed©Glenneis KrielValue may be added to certain crops in rotations, by using it as animal feed...

Red-billed Hornbill

...This hornbill is distinguished from other hornbills by its red/orange bill and it has spotted white wing coverts.Red-Billed Hornbill DietThe red-billed hornbill is an omnivore, feeding mostly on insects, but will feed on fruit and seeds...

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