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History of Queenstown
the 1920s
the town flourished as
the prime educational centre for
the area, specifically Queen’s College...
EnglishThe Olive Oil Process
The timing of
the harvest can determine
the colour, flavour profile of
the final oil, its shelf life and health components...
EnglishThings to Do in Kamberg Nature Reserve
...There is a booklet of
the hikes at reception, including routes to
the Emaweni Falls,
the Kranse,
the Game Shelter and also
the Gladstone’s Nose hike, arguably
the most scenic hike in
the reserve...
EnglishActivities Under the Berg
...Passports are required at
the South African border post, reached just before
the start of
the main climb (1900m). Normal hours apply (8am to 4pm daily) and
the same goes for
the Lesotho Border Post atop
the pass.
Did you know?..
...UpingtonUpingtonGateway to
the KalahariUpington was established on
the banks of
the Orange River in 1870 and has expanded rapidly to become
the educational, commercial and agricultural centre of
the Gordonia District in
the Northern Cape...
EnglishBakubung Bush Lodge
The location is
the epitome of natural beauty and serenity and, together with
the upmarket service received by
the lodge, has all
the makings of
the perfect family vacation...
EnglishExplore Kleinmond
Bounded by
the Palmiet Mountains to
the north and
the Atlantic Ocean to
the south, Kleinmond nestles along
the rocky coastline between
the Palmiet Lagoon in
the west and
the Kleinmond Lagoon in
the east...
EnglishGreater Kruger
the herds roaming, they naturally attract
the big predators, making
the Greater Kruger a prime location for frequent game sightings...
EnglishJoe Latakgomo
...He has worked on newspapers like
the banned
The World and Weekend World, Post and Sunday Post as Assistant Editor, was founding editor of
The Sowetan, Senior Assistant Editor of
The Star, Assistant Editor of
the Argus Africa News Service, former Public..
EnglishParts of Aloe Ferox
...Whether this stumble was deliberate or accidental is not documented, but what is documented is
the historical use of
the plant, by
the native inhabitants of
the Western Cape...
EnglishPietermaritzburg College
The next group of whites to arrive in
the region was a small party of Voortrekkers, in 1837, in
the Tugela Basin in
the heart of Zulu territory.Maritzburg College learners outside building.A year later they proclaimed
the Republic of Natalia with
EnglishCitrus Growers Association
The non-profit company, established in
the wake of deregulation in 1997, navigated
the industry through
the new regime and has since become
the representative of citrus growers in general...
EnglishAccommodation in Bergville
...Adventurous roads will take you to
the highest points of
the mountain range (passports required to cross into Lesotho), to
the source of
the Tugela river which you will find in
the Royal Natal National Park which also hosts
the awe inspiring Amphitheatre..
EnglishPig Skin Problems - External Parasites
The mites feed on
the skin, blood and serum of
the pigs and lay their eggs inside
the skin of
the pigs.
The fertilised female lays eggs in a tunnel inside
the skin where insecticides can’t reach...
EnglishSimmentaler Cattle
...In 1905, MT Steyn, president of what was then known as
the Republic of
the Free State, became
the first South African to import
the breed.Production RegionsSimmentalers only really took off in South Africa around
the 1960s, after interbreeding tests revealed..
EnglishNewcastle Disease
The head of
the bird may be turned or held between
the legs and
the bird might walk in circles...
EnglishThe Hungry Season
...But in
the famine years, like those seen in
the Horn of Africa in 2011,
the hungry season can be long and devastating...
EnglishEnigmatic Beauty
The open spaces allow a free flowing energy to cascade from
the entrance lounge to
the patio and lawns that provide unsurpassable vistas of
the African landscape...
EnglishZwartberg View Mountain Lodge
The major attractions of
the region – from
the breathtaking Swartberg Pass, to
the wonders of Meiringspoort and Oudtshoorn – have great activities on offer for families and solo travellers alike...
EnglishKwaZulu-Natal Commodities
The capital city is Pietermaritzburg. Founded in 1838, it is
the second largest city in KwaZulu-Natal and an hour away from Durban’s King Shaka International Airport.
The city is
the birthplace of
the former University of Natal...
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