Pumpkin Pie Recipe
By Jan ‘Boland’ Coetzee

Delicious pumpkin pie recipe paired with Vriesenhof Pinotage by Jan ‘Boland’ Coetzee.

©Mike Carelse
Delicious Pumpkin Pie by Jan ‘Boland’ Coetzee.


50 g butter 
250 ml white sugar 
250 ml milk 
250 ml cake flour 
10 ml baking powder 8
75 ml cooked pumpkin, mashed (‘I often use 2 medium butternuts now') 
2 eggs 
5 ml salt 
250 ml fresh cream 
ground cinnamon for sprinkling 


Serves 6-8 

Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Grease an ovenproof dish. 

Cream the butter and sugar. Add the milk, sift in the flour and baking powder, and stir until well mixed. Add the pumpkin, eggs, salt, and cream, and mix well. 

Spoon the mixture into the prepared dish and bake for about 30 minutes until lightly browned on top. The pie will crack on top when ready. 

Sprinkle with cinnamon and serve. (This pie also freezes well.) 

Wine Pairing

Vriesenhof Pinotage (or Pinot Noir if served with coq au vin) 

Cook’s Tip

‘I keep on telling my daughters to feed their kids like Ouma Anna used to feed us. The night before, she'd make bread dough, knead it, wrap it in a dishcloth and leave it next to the woodstove, still warm after the day's cooking. Early next morning, she'd separate the dough into a special pan and put it into the oven. By the time we awoke, there'd be a little round bread waiting for each of us. We'd eat it hot, with butter and honey, or wrap it in a cloth for later when we were hungry after playing outside. 

'These cereals today's kids eat: you stand on them and there are no crumbs, they just disappear.' 

By Wendy Toerien