Dorid Nudibranch
Nudibranch – Typical Dorid (Doridina)
Sea slug
Typical dorid nudibranchs measure 7 cm on average but can be up to 50 cm long.
Nudibranchs have snail-like bodies and no shells, with a large foot and smooth mantle. Its two rhinophores, or sensory organs, are located at the front of its head, and its branchial, or gills, are prominent on the back. It varies in colour from white to yellow, orange, blue and black.
General Information
The typical dorid nudibranch is a part of the doridina suborder, which falls under Opisthobranchia. Its gills surround the anus and can be different in colour to the mantle. Certain species can retract their branchial into a pouch when threatened.
They are hermaphrodites, and their reproductive organs located at the right side of their necks for the sperm pocket to be carried over. Nudibranchs lay their eggs in a mucous matrix, or spawn ribbons.
Nudibranchs feed on sponges, soft corals, anemones and hydroids.
They can be found in all temperate and tropical oceans across the world.
Common Species
Gem sea slug (Chromodoris geminus)
Dorid sp (Nembrotha purpureolineata)
Spanish dancer (Hexabranchus sanguineus)