Alikreukel Risotto Recipe
By Charles Hopkins

Alikreukel (giant periwinkles) risotto with Bulgarian yoghurt recipe by Charles Hopkins.

©Mike Carelse
Alikreukel Risotto Recipe by Charles Hopkins.


40 big alikreukel [giant periwinkles] 
30 ml olive oil 
2 onions, finely chopped 
1 green pepper, finely chopped 
500 ml Arborio rice
600 ml dry white wine ('De Grendel Sauvignon Blanc!') 
500 ml hot chicken stock 
1 sweet red pepper, roughly chopped 
500 ml Bulgarian yoghurt 
2.5 ml grated nutmeg 
60 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice 
salt and freshly ground black pepper 
a handful of fresh parsley, finely chopped 


Serves 6-8

Cook the alikreukel in their shells in boiling sea water for about 25 minutes. Separate the alikreukel from their shells and entrails and rinse off well. Mince in a meat mincer. 

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan with a lid, and same the onions and green pepper until soft. Add the Arborio rice, mix well and it up a bit, Add the wine, reduce the temperature and simmer with the lid on for about 30 minutes. 

When most of the wine is absorbed into the rice, start adding the chicken stock bit by bit while simmering over the next l ½ hours. Stir regularly to prevent the rice from burning. 

When the risotto is ready ('soft and tasty') place in a separate bowl and cool it for an hour or so. Lightly sauté the sweet red pepper. 

Add the minced alikreukel, Bulgarian yoghurt, nutmeg, lemon juice and salt and pepper to the risotto. Mix well and add parsley. Mix again and serve, with a scattering of red pepper 

Wine Pairing

De Grendel Koetshuis Sauvignon Blanc (for a starter portion)

De Grendel Winifred (for a main course)

By Wendy Toerien