Baked Ox Tongue Recipe
By Bartho Eksteen

Baked ox tongue with mustard sauce recipe by Bartho Eksteen served with vegetables and paired with Herrnanuspietersfonrein Swartskaap wine.

©Mike Carelse
Baked Ox Tongue Recipe by Bartho Eksteen.


1 large, whole, cooked ox tongue 
125 ml sugar 
30 ml cake flour 
60 ml hot mustard powder 
2.5 ml salt 
250 ml boiling water 
60 ml white grape vinegar 
30 ml sunflower oil 
15 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice 
crumbed cornflakes 


Serves 6-8 

Preheat the oven to 180°C. 

Thinly slice the ox tongue (3-mm slices) and layer in a large ovenproof dish. Combine the sugar, flour, mustard powder and salt. Mix in the boiling water. Add the grape vinegar, sunflower oil and lemon juice. Pour mixture over the ox tongue and sprinkle the crumbled corn flakes on top. Bake for about 30 minutes until golden brown on top. Serve with vegetables. 

Wine Pairing

Herrnanuspietersfonrein Swartskaap 

By Wendy Toerien