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Waterberg, Limpopo

This upmarket family destination in the beautiful Waterberg district of South Africa, offers high volume sightings of a large variety of animals including white rhino, zebra, giraffe, kudu, leopard, bush pig and klipspringer as well as plentiful birdlife.

Game Drives

Game drives are conducted twice a day in open 4x4 vehicles with the first drive leaving in the early morning and the second in the late afternoon, allowing the opportunity to spot nocturnal animals such as the bush baby, porcupine and rare brown hyena.

Guided Walks

At Ant’s Hill you are not limited to game drives and have the opportunity to explore the wilderness on foot. A guide will gladly lead you through the bushveld on foot if you prefer a somewhat closer encounter with nature. The guided walks are both enjoyable and informative and provide you with immense knowledge pertaining to the fauna and flora of the area.  

Be it a gentle stroll or a full day hike over the plains and up to the top of the gorges, bush walks at Ant’s Hill can be tailored to suit your needs.

Horseback Safaris

A horseback safari will provide you with the opportunity to experience some of the best game viewing in South Africa. You can choose between cantering along the numerous sandy tracks or traversing the high ridges to take in the beautiful vistas surrounding you. 

The horses are reliable and fit. Horseback safaris at Ant’s Hill are possible for the absolute beginner to the professional rider. For children there are ponies, so the whole family can take a ride together.

The horses at Ant’s Hill live out in the bush and graze amongst the wildlife, allowing for close encounters as you ride. On horseback, you are perceived as just another animal out in the wild.

Night Sky Safari

Gaze up to the night skies and learn more about the wonders of the stars above. With advanced telescopes and adept guides, the night sky becomes another facet of our world to discover as you learn about the myths and facts of our universe.

Children on Safari

At Ant’s Hill, children of all ages may join in with their parents on all the game viewing activities, creating a family experience filled with memories and a love of nature.

Children of all ages are welcomed at the lodge and are treated like young royalty. With specialized activities and food available, the youngest visitors to the lodge are happy and entertained. Toys and games are available to keep the children occupied with structured activities such as wildlife exploration and riding lessons, designed to teach young visitors how to fully appreciate the environment.

Bush Dining

Dining at Ant’s Hill is an unforgettable experience. Only the freshest produce is used, by a team of renowned chefs to prepare sumptuous, home-style cooking, expertly fused with fine dining. One of the highlights at Ant’s Hill is the large variety of dining areas on offer ranging from lunches laid out in the bush, dinners served around the fire in the Boma or breakfast enjoyed on the deck or in the gardens. Weather dependent, management tries to ensure that each meal is served in a different location. 

 All dietary restrictions can be catered for with prior arrangement and you have the choice of dining with other guests or privately.  A children’s menu is available on request. 

 There is an extensive wine list to accompany your meals, with wine tasting evenings made available as a special addition to make your stay a memorable one.

Accommodation in Waterberg

It is primarily the romance of Waterberg that moves us on this one, the same area that maverick bushveld genius Eugene Marais called the 'my...more